Managing Distribution Lists in PST Files

Creating and Managing Distribution Lists

Create and Save Distribution Lists

It is possible to create a Distribution list using Aspose.Email API that is a collection of multiple contacts. A distribution list can be saved to disc in Outlook MSG format and can be viewed/manipulated by opening it in MS Outlook.The following code snippet shows you how to create and save a distribution list.

Read Distribution Lists

The following code snippet shows you how to read a distribution list from a PST.

using Aspose.Email.Storage.Pst;
using Aspose.Email.Mapi;

// Load the PST file
using (var pst = PersonalStorage.FromFile("your.pst"))
    // Get the Contacts folder
    var folder = pst.GetPredefinedFolder(StandardIpmFolder.Contacts);

    if (folder != null)
        foreach (var msgInfo in folder.EnumerateMessages())
            // Check if the message has the "IPM.DistList" message class
            if (msgInfo.MessageClass == "IPM.DistList")
                // Extract the distribution list
                var distList = (MapiDistributionList)pst.ExtractMessage(msgInfo).ToMapiMessageItem();
                // Now, you can work with the distribution list
                // (e.g., access its members, display its properties, or make modifications)

Update Distribution Lists

The following code snippet shows you how to update a distribution list in PST.

using Aspose.Email.Mapi;
using Aspose.Email.Storage.Pst;

// Load PST file
using (PersonalStorage pst = PersonalStorage.FromFile("my.pst"))
    // Get Contacts folder
    var folder = pst.GetPredefinedFolder(StandardIpmFolder.Contacts);

    // Add a new member to each distribution list in PST
    foreach (var msg in folder.EnumerateMessages())
        // Check if the message has the "IPM.DistList" message class
        if (msg.MessageClass == "IPM.DistList")
            var distList = pst.ExtractMessage(msg).ToMapiMessageItem();

            // Create a new member to add
            var member = new MapiDistributionListMember("Edward R. Manuel", "");

            // Update Distribution List in PST
            folder.UpdateMessage(msg.EntryIdString, distList);