Public API Changes in Aspose.Email 3.7.0

Calendar support using EWS

The EWS Client has been enhanced to include functionality of creating, fetching, updating, listing and cancelling appointments. Following new methods have been introduced:

  • Aspose.Email.Exchange.IEWSClient.CreateAppointment
  • Aspose.Email.Exchange.IEWSClient.FetchAppointment
  • Aspose.Email.Exchange.IEWSClient.UpdateAppointment
  • Aspose.Email.Exchange.IEWSClient.ListAppointments
  • Aspose.Email.Exchange.IEWSClient.CancelAppointment

New Namespace Aspose.Email.Google added

A new Aspose.Email.Google namespace has been added, while the old Aspose.Email.Services.Google.GmailClient class has been marked as obsolete.

MapiCalendar.RemainderSet and MapiCalendar.RemainderDelta added

The MapiCalendar class has been further enhanced with 2 new fields which makes it possible now to set reminders using MapiCalendar class.

Appointment.Attachments collection available now

Appointment class has been further modified to support adding/retrieving attachments.