Reading an Outlook Message (MSG) File in Aspose.Email

To use Office Automation objects for Microsoft Outlook, you need to add references to Microsoft Office and Microsoft Office Interop for Outlook libraries to your project.


 // Create a new Application Class

_Application outlook = new Outlook.Application();

// Create a MailItem object

MailItem item = (MailItem)outlook.CreateItemFromTemplate("test.msg", Type.Missing);

// Access different fields of the message

System.Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Subject:{0}", item.Subject));

System.Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Sender Email Address:{0}", item.SenderEmailAddress));

System.Console.WriteLine(string.Format("SenderName:{0}", item.SenderName));

System.Console.WriteLine(string.Format("TO:{0}", item.To));

System.Console.WriteLine(string.Format("CC:{0}", item.CC));

System.Console.WriteLine(string.Format("BCC:{0}", item.BCC));

System.Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Html Body:{0}", item.HTMLBody));

System.Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Text Body:{0}", item.Body));


To access the Aspose.Email.Outlook objects, you need to add a reference to Aspose.Email to your project.

  // Create attendees of the meeting

MailAddressCollection attendees = new MailAddressCollection();



// Set up appointment

Appointment app = new Appointment(

    "Location", // location of meeting

    DateTime.Now, // start date

    DateTime.Now.AddHours(1), // end date

    new MailAddress(""), // organizer

    attendees); // attendees

// Set up message that needs to be sent

MailMessage msg = new MailMessage();

msg.From = "";

msg.To = "";

msg.Subject = "appointment request";

msg.Body = "you are invited";

// Add meeting request to the message


// Set up the SMTP client to send email with meeting request

SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient("host", 25 ,"user", "password");


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