Aspose.Finance for .NET 21.9 Release Notes

Improvements and Changes

FINANCENET-74Implement vaildation rule of the element of continution in ixbrlTask
FINANCENET-82Implement vaildation rule of denominator element in ixbrlTask
FINANCENET-85Implement vaildation rule of numerator element in ixbrlTask
FINANCENET-87Sample code required to initialize TypedMemberElement for DimensionMemberTask
FINANCENET-90Fix the bug of can’t get inline xbrl segment nodeBug
FINANCENET-91Fix the bug of can’t get inline xbrl scenario nodeBug
FINANCENET-99Implement vaildation rule of header element in ixbrlTask
FINANCENET-102Implement vaildation rule of scenario element in inline xbrlTask
FINANCENET-105Implement vaildation rule of segment element in iinline xbrlTask
FINANCENET-107Fix the bug of can’t get xbrl dimension nodeBug
FINANCENET-110Implement vaildation rule of the element of nonFraction in ixbrlTask
FINANCENET-112Implement vaildation rule of the element of tuple in ixbrlTask
