Validate XBRL and iXBRL files in C#

Validate XBRL instance file in C#

XBRL Instances, XBRL Linkbases, and XBRL Taxonomy Schemas MUST comply with the syntax requirements imposed in XBRL specification. To validate these, the XbrlInstance class provides the Validate() method.

The following C# code snippet demonstrates how to validate an XBRL instance document.

XbrlDocument document = new XbrlDocument(XbrlFilePath + @"IdScopeContextPeriodStartAfterEnd.xml");
XbrlInstanceCollection xbrlInstances = document.XbrlInstances;
XbrlInstance xbrlInstance = xbrlInstances[0];
if(xbrlInstance.ValidationErrors.Count > 0)
List<ValidationError> validationErrors = xbrlInstance.ValidationErrors;

Validate iXBRL file in C#

The iXBRL specification defines many validation rules. For validating iXBRL files, the InlineXbrlDocument class provides a Validate() method.

The following C# code snippet demonstrates validating an iXBRL instance document.

InlineXbrlDocument document = new InlineXbrlDocument(XbrlFilePath + @"account_1.html");
if (document.ValidationErrors.Count > 0)
List<ValidationError> validationErrors = document.ValidationErrors;

Validation error codes

In the enum ValidationErrorCode, validation error codes are defined for each validation rule. The following are the error code definitions:

  • ContextPeriodNoStartTime: Context period type is duration, but has no start date.
  • ContextPeriodNoEndTime: Context period type is duration, but has no end date.
  • ContextPeriodStartAfterEnd: Context period type is duration, but the end date is before the start date.
  • ContextInstantNoTime: Context period type is instant, but has no instant date.
  • ContextScenarioXbrlNamespace: Context scenario can not have XBRL namespace node.
  • ContextScenarioXbrlSubstitutionGroup: Context scenario can not have an element in the substitution group for elements defined in the XBRL namespace.
  • ContextScenarioEmpty: Context scenario can not be empty.
  • ContextSegmentXbrlNamespace: Context segment can not have XBRL namespace node.
  • ContextSegmentXbrlSubstitutionGroup: Context segment can not have element in the substitution group for elements defined in the XBRL namespace.
  • ContextSegmentEmpty: Context segment can not be empty.
  • ItemNoContext: Item must have a context.
  • ItemPeroidTypeConflictWithContext: Item has period type conflict with context.
  • ItemNumericNoUnit: Item is numeric and must have a unit.
  • MonetaryItemNoSingleUnitMeasure: Item is a monetary type and must have a single unit measure.
  • MonetaryItemNoISO4217: Item is a monetary type and must have an Iso 4217 style unit measure.
  • ShareItemNoSingleUnitMeasure: Item is a share type and must have a single unit measure.
  • ShareItemNoShareUnitMeasure:  Item is share type and must have an xbrli:shares unit measure.
  • NillItemWithPrecisionOrDecimals: Item is nil and must not have either precision or decimals.
  • FractionItemWithPrecisionOrDecimals: Item is a fraction type and must not have either precision or decimals.
  • NumericItemWithBothPrecisionAndDecimals: Item is a numeric type and must not have both precision and decimals.
  • NumericItemWithoutPrecisionOrDecimals: Item is a numeric type and must have either precision or decimals.
  • NonNumericItemWithPrecisionOrDecimals: Item is not a numeric type and must not have either precision or decimals.
  • FootnoteArcFromNotFound: Unable to find Footnote arc from Loc.
  • FootnoteArcToNotFound: Unable to find Footnote arc to Footnote.
  • DefinitionArcFromNotFound: Unable to find Definition arc from Loc.
  • DefinitionArcToNotFound: Unable to find Definition arc to Loc.
  • EssenceAliasDefinitionArcDifferentType: Essence-alias Definition arc has different types.
  • EssenceAliasDefinitionArcDifferentPeriodType: Essence-alias Definition arc has different periodTypes.
  • EssenceAliasDefinitionArcDifferentBalance: Essence-alias Definition arc has different balances.
  • CalculationArcFromNotFound: Unable to find Calculation arc from Loc.
  • CalculationArcToNotFound: Unable to find Calculation arc to Loc.
  • LabelArcFromNotFound: Unable to find Lable arc from Loc.
  • LabelArcToNotFound: Unable to find Lable arc to Loc.
  • PresentationArcFromNotFound: Unable to find a Presentation arc from Loc.
  • PresentationArcToNotFound: Unable to find a Presentation arc to Loc.
  • ReferenceArcFromNotFound: Unable to find a Reference arc from Loc.
  • ReferenceArcToNotFound: Unable to find a Reference arc to Loc.

Example of standard validation error message


Above is an XBRL instance, it defines context “cd1”, this context period type is duration, it’s start date is 2002-03-31, the end date is 2001-03-31, so the end date is before than start date. In XBRL specification, chapter 4.7.2, it defines validation rule: “the endDate MUST specify or imply a point in time that is later than the specified or implied point in time of the corresponding startDate”. According to this rule, this XBRL instance is not a valid one.

Validate XBRL and output standard error message

The following code validates the XBRL instance and outputs the standard error message.

XbrlDocument document = new XbrlDocument(XbrlFilePath + @"IdScopeContextPeriodStartAfterEnd.xml");
XbrlInstanceCollection xbrlInstances = document.XbrlInstances;
XbrlInstance xbrlInstance = xbrlInstances[0];
if (xbrlInstance.ValidationErrors.Count > 0)
foreach(ValidationError validationError in xbrlInstance.ValidationErrors)
Console.WriteLine("Find validation error:" + validationError.Message);

The following image shows the output:


Validate XBRL and output customized error message

The following code validates the XBRL instance and output customized error message.

XbrlDocument document = new XbrlDocument(XbrlFilePath + @"IdScopeContextPeriodStartAfterEnd.xml");
XbrlInstanceCollection xbrlInstances = document.XbrlInstances;
XbrlInstance xbrlInstance = xbrlInstances[0];
if (xbrlInstance.ValidationErrors.Count > 0)
foreach (ValidationError validationError in xbrlInstance.ValidationErrors)
if(validationError.Code == ValidationErrorCode.ContextPeriodStartAfterEnd)
ContextValidationError contextValidationError = validationError as ContextValidationError;
Console.WriteLine("Validation error: end date is before start date in context " + contextValidationError.Object.Id);
Console.WriteLine("Find validation error:" + validationError.Message);

The following image shows the output:


Validate XBRL and output standard error message