
How to convert fonts into SVG format using Aspose.Font for Node.js?

  1. Call AsposeFontConvertToSVG function.
  2. The resulting name file is set, in json.fileNameResult.
  3. Next, if the json.errorCode is 0, then you can get links to result files. If the json.errorCode parameter is not equal to 0 and, accordingly, there will be an error in your file, then information about such an error will be contained in the json.errorText.

Below is the sample which converts font from TTF to WOFF format.

 1    const AsposeFont = require('asposefontnodejs');
 3    const font_file = "./fonts/Lora-Regular.ttf";
 5    console.log('Aspose.Font for Node.js via C++ example');
 7    AsposeFont().then(AsposeFontModule => {
 8        //call AsposeFontConvertToSVG to convert font
 9        const json = AsposeFontModule.AsposeFontConvertToSVG(font_file,AsposeFontModule.FontType.TTF);
10        console.log("AsposeFontConvertToSVG : %O",  json.errorCode == 0 ? font_file + ' => ' + json.fileNameResult : json.errorText);
11    });

*Replace path/to/your/font.ttf with the actual path to your font file.

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