Product Overview Aspose.Font for Node.js

Aspose.Font for Node.js

Welcome to Aspose.Font for Node.js

With Aspose.Font for Node.js you become a font master! This API unlocks a world of font manipulation possibilities directly within your Node.js applications. Here is what offered:

  • Load and save fonts seamlessly across various formats, including TrueType, OpenType, and more.
  • Understand the mapping between characters and their visual representations (glyphs) for any font type.
  • Render any text or symbol, even special characters, with just basic graphics commands.
  • Load fonts from files or streams for a smooth development experience.

Take control of your fonts and improve the visual impact of your Node.js projects with Aspose.Font!

Feature List

Function nameDescription
FontAboutPresents information about product name, version, and licensing.
FontConvertImplements conversion from some font formats to TrueType font format.
FontGetInfoGets the information from the ’name table’ of TrueType fonts.

Supported File Formats

The following table indicates the file formats that Aspose.Font for Node.js can load and save.

TTFTrue Type Fontticktick
TTCTrue Type Collectionstick
OpenTypeScalable Computer Fontstick
WOFFWeb Open Font Formatticktick
WOFF2Web Open Font Format version 2.0ticktick
EOTEmbedded OpenType formattick
SVGScalable Vector Graphics formattick
CFFCompact Font Formattick
Type1PostScript Fontstick


The table below lists important Aspose.Font for Node.js technical resources.

Aspose.Font for Node.js home pageProduct home page.
Aspose.Font for Node.js downloadDownload the latest version of Aspose.Font from here. We release often.
Aspose.Font for Node.js product documentationFull online documentation that includes this documentation as well as Aspose.Font API Reference.
Aspose.Font for Node.js release notesDownload the latest version of Aspose.Font from here. We release often.
Aspose.Font for Node.js support forumPost your questions and issues here for a speedy resolution.
Aspose.Font blogCheck this often for information about new releases and useful tips about Aspose.Font.
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