Aspose.Imaging for Java 20.5 - Release notes

IMAGINGJAVA-1655Support for extracting paths from TIFFFeature
IMAGINGJAVA-1664Allow speed or memory optimization strategies for Dicom formatFeature
IMAGINGJAVA-1662Support of export readable full frame gif to multipage image formatsFeature
IMAGINGJAVA-162018.8-20.3: Cannot draw semi transparent imageEnhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-1656Imaging WMF to PDF conversion issuesEnhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-1660Exception combining TIFF imagesEnhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-1657ImageSave exception on exporting to PDFEnhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-1659Removing Subject and Comments from Tiff propertiesEnhancement
IMAGINGJAVA-1586On conversion from EMF to PNG or SVG a black “border” appearsEnhancement

Public API changes:

Added APIs:

Please see corresponding cumulative API changes for Aspose.Imaging for .NET 20.5 version

Removed APIs:

Please see corresponding cumulative API changes for Aspose.Imaging for .NET 20.5 version

Usage Examples:


IMAGINGJAVA-1655 Support for extracting paths from TIFF

### Clipping Path Clipping path is the Photoshop technique to remove the background from an image. Photoshop allows you to select a part of an image using Clipping Path and save the path within a file. Clipping Paths allow you to hide the part of an image you don’t want to appear. Anything inside the  clipping path will be visible, but anything outside of it will be transparent.

Other words Photoshop makes it possible to isolate certain parts of an image, without permanently changing the layer. This allows you to tweak the image at any point in the creative process. Clipping Paths are a traditional method of cutting out objects or people in Photoshop that allows you to create image files with transparent backgrounds. This approach works best with objects or people with “hard” edges around the object or person you want to cut out.

### Access Clipping Paths in TIFF image PathResources property allows you to access Clipping Paths in TIFF frame. The following code retrieves paths from TIFF image and displays their names in the console:

try (TiffImage image = (TiffImage)Image.load(“Sample.tif”)) { for (PathResource path : image.getActiveFrame().getPathResources())  {  System.out.println(path.getName());  } }

### Modify existing Clipping Paths You can easily modify already existing Clipping Paths. For instance, you can keep only one Clipping Path in the image:

try (TiffImage image = (TiffImage)Image.load(“Sample.tif”)) { List paths = image.getActiveFrame().getPathResources(); image.getActiveFrame().setPathResources(Collections.singletonList(paths.get(0)));; }

### Create Clipping Path manually You can manually create Clipping Path in TIFF image. In order to do that you need to create an instance of PathResource class. The following code demonstrates the way how you can create an empty path in TIFF image:

TiffOptions options = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.Default); TiffFrame frame = new TiffFrame(options, 800, 600);

try (TiffImage image = new TiffImage(frame)) { PathResource resource = new PathResource(); resource.setBlockId((short) 2000); resource.setName(“My Clipping Path”); resource.setRecords(new ArrayList()); image.getActiveFrame().setPathResources(Collections.singletonList(resource));“ImageWithEmptyPath.tiff”); }

### Clipping Path content To create your own Clipping Paths you need to understand their content. Photoshop stores its paths as resources with IDs in the range 2000 through 2997. The name of the resource is the name given to the path when it was saved. If the file contains a resource with an ID of 2999, then this resource contains the name of the clipping path. Each path has a set of records to hold the data.

Record classes: LengthRecord - contains the number of Bezier knot records. BezierKnotRecord - describes the knots of the path. ClipboardRecord - contains four fixed-point numbers for the bounding rectangle.

More details you can find in Adobe Photoshop File Formats Specification.

IMAGINGJAVA-1662 Support of export readable full frame gif to multipage image formats

Added support for full-frame export from gif format

String baseDirectoryPath = “D:\”; String fileName = “Animation.gif”; String inputFilePath = baseDirectoryPath + fileName; String outputFilePath = inputFilePath + “_FullFrame.tif”; String outputFilePath1 = inputFilePath + “_NonFullFrame.tif”; try (Image image = Image.load(inputFilePath)) { MultiPageOptions multiPageOptions = new MultiPageOptions(new IntRange(2, 5)); TiffOptions tiffOptions = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.TiffDeflateRgb); tiffOptions.setMultiPageOptions(multiPageOptions); tiffOptions.setFullFrame(true);, tiffOptions);

tiffOptions.setFullFrame(false);, tiffOptions); }

IMAGINGJAVA-1659 Removing Subject and Comments from Tiff properties

private static void cleanExifData(TiffOptions frameOptions) {  frameOptions.setArtist(null);  frameOptions.setCopyright(null);  frameOptions.setDateTime(null);  frameOptions.setDocumentName(null);  frameOptions.setImageDescription(null);  frameOptions.setPageName(null);  frameOptions.setInkNames(null);  frameOptions.setScannerManufacturer(null);  frameOptions.setScannerModel(null);  frameOptions.setSoftwareType(null);  frameOptions.setTargetPrinter(null);

 frameOptions.setXPTitle(null);  frameOptions.setXPComment(null);  frameOptions.setXPAuthor(null);  frameOptions.setXPKeywords(null);  frameOptions.setXPSubject(null); }

IMAGINGJAVA-1657 ImageSave exception on exporting to PDF

public void fileToPdf() { String path = “C:\Users\mudas\Downloads\svg_example\”;

 try (Image image =  Image.load(path + “svg_example.svg”))  {   PdfDocumentInfo documentInfo = new PdfDocumentInfo();

  VectorRasterizationOptions vecOptions = new WmfRasterizationOptions();   vecOptions.setPageWidth(image.getWidth());   vecOptions.setPageHeight(image.getHeight());

  PdfOptions exportOptions = new PdfOptions();   exportOptions.setPdfDocumentInfo(documentInfo);   exportOptions.setVectorRasterizationOptions(vecOptions); + “svg.pdf”, exportOptions);  } }

IMAGINGJAVA-1656 Imaging WMF to PDF conversion issues

public void fileToPdf(InputStream input, OutputStream output) {  try (Image image =  Image.load(input)) {   PdfDocumentInfo documentInfo = new PdfDocumentInfo();

  VectorRasterizationOptions vecOptions = new WmfRasterizationOptions();   vecOptions.setPageWidth(image.getWidth());   vecOptions.setPageHeight(image.getHeight());

  PdfOptions exportOptions = new PdfOptions();   exportOptions.setPdfDocumentInfo(documentInfo);   exportOptions.setVectorRasterizationOptions(vecOptions);, exportOptions); } }

IMAGINGJAVA-1586 On conversion from EMF to PNG or SVG a black “border” appears

Added support for TernaryRasterOperations (SrcAnd,SrcPaint,SrcInvert) in metafiles (emf, wmf). This will allow you to get more correct images when rasterizing metafiles.

String baseFolder = “D:\”; String file = “x.emf”; String inputFileName = baseFolder + file; String outputFileName = inputFileName + “.png”; try (Image image = Image.load(inputFileName)) { EmfRasterizationOptions emfRasterizationOptions = new EmfRasterizationOptions(); emfRasterizationOptions.setPageSize(Size.to_SizeF(image.getSize())); PngOptions options = new PngOptions(); options.setVectorRasterizationOptions(emfRasterizationOptions);, options); }

IMAGINGJAVA-1664 Allow speed or memory optimization strategies for Dicom format

// Example 1. Setting a memory limit of 50 megabytes for operations on the created Dicom image try (DicomOptions imageOptions = new DicomOptions()) { imageOptions.setSource(new FileCreateSource(“created.dcm”, false)); imageOptions.setBufferSizeHint(50); try (Image image = Image.create(imageOptions, 1000, 1000))  {  // Do something with the created image;  } }

// Example 2. Setting a memory limit of 20 megabytes for operations on the loaded Dicom image LoadOptions loadOptions = new LoadOptions(); loadOptions.setBufferSizeHint(20); try (Image image = Image.load(“image.dcm”, loadOptions)) { // Do something with the loaded image  … }

// Example 3. Settings a memory limit of 30 mebagytes for export-to-dicom operation LoadOptions loadOptions = new LoadOptions(); loadOptions.setBufferSizeHint(30); try (Image image = Image.load(“image.png”, loadOptions)) {“exported.dcm”, new DicomOptions()); }

**IMAGINGJAVA-1620 - 18.8-20.3: Cannot draw semi transparent image try (Image image = Image.load(“image1.png”)) {     Graphics graphics = new Graphics(image);     Image icon = Image.load(“icon1.png”);

    ColorMatrix colorMatrix = new ColorMatrix();     colorMatrix.setMatrix33(0.5f);

    ImageAttributes imageAttributes = new ImageAttributes();     imageAttributes.setColorMatrix(colorMatrix, ColorMatrixFlag.Default, ColorAdjustType.Bitmap);


    RectangleF rect = new RectangleF(0, 0, image.getWidth() / 3, image.getHeight());     graphics.drawImage(icon, rect, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imageAttributes);“image2.png”); }**

DicomOptions dicomOptions = new DicomOptions(); dicomOptions.setSource(new StreamSource()); // Create a multi-page Dicom image. try (DicomImage image = (DicomImage)Image.create(dicomOptions,  100,  100)) { // Draw something using vector graphics Graphics graphics = new Graphics(image); graphics.fillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.getBlueViolet()),          image.getBounds()); graphics.fillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.getAqua()),          10, 20, 50, 20); graphics.fillEllipse(new SolidBrush(Color.getOrange()),          30, 50, 70, 30);

// Save the pixels of the drawn image. They are now on the first        // page of the Dicom image. int[] pixels = image.loadArgb32Pixels(image.getBounds());

// Add a few pages after, making them darker for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++)  {  DicomPage page = image.addPage();  page.saveArgb32Pixels(page.getBounds(), pixels);  page.adjustBrightness(i * 30);  }

// Add a few pages in front of the main page, making them brighter for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++)  {  DicomPage page = image.insertPage(0);  page.saveArgb32Pixels(page.getBounds(), pixels);  page.adjustBrightness(-i * 30);  }

// Save the created multi-page image to the output file“MultiPage.dcm”); }

IMAGINGJAVA-1586 On conversion from EMF to PNG or SVG a black “border” appears

Added support for TernaryRasterOperations (SrcAnd,SrcPaint,SrcInvert) in metafiles (emf, wmf). This will allow you to get more correct images when rasterizing metafiles.

String baseFolder = “D:\”; String file = “x.emf”; String inputFileName = baseFolder + file; String outputFileName = inputFileName + “.png”; try (Image image = Image.load(inputFileName)) { EmfRasterizationOptions emfRasterizationOptions = new EmfRasterizationOptions(); emfRasterizationOptions.setPageSize(Size.to_SizeF(image.getSize())); PngOptions options = new PngOptions(); options.setVectorRasterizationOptions(emfRasterizationOptions);, options); }

IMAGINGJAVA-1660 Exception combining TIFF images

public static void combineImageFiles(String fpDest, String[] safp) {    List fileList = new ArrayList(safp.length);    for (String s : safp)     {        File f = new File(s);        if (f.exists())         {            fileList.add(s);         }     }

   if (fileList.isEmpty())     {        return;     }

   try (TiffImage image = (TiffImage)Image.load(fileList.get(0)))     {        List srcImages = new ArrayList();        for (int fileIndex = 1; fileIndex < fileList.size(); fileIndex++)         {            TiffImage srcImage = (TiffImage)Image.load(fileList.get(fileIndex));            srcImages.add(srcImage);            for (TiffFrame srcFrame : srcImage.getFrames())             {                // removing XMP data to prevent System.MissingMethodException                srcFrame.setXmpData(null);                TiffFrame frame = TiffFrame.copyFrame(srcFrame);                image.addFrame(frame);             }         }

       try         {            TiffOptions outputSettings = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.Default);            ResolutionSetting res = new ResolutionSetting(300, 300);  // 300 x 300 DPI                outputSettings.setBitsPerSample(new int[] { 4 });            outputSettings.setCompression(TiffCompressions.Lzw);            outputSettings.setPhotometric(TiffPhotometrics.Palette);            outputSettings.setPalette(ColorPaletteHelper.create4BitGrayscale(false));            outputSettings.setResolutionSettings(res);

           // Setting empty page exporting action to activate the batch export mode (needed for economical use of memory)            // It is available in Aspose.Imaging 20.3+            image.setPageExportingAction(new PageExportingAction()             {                 @Override                public void invoke(int pageIndex, Image page)                 {                    // Do nothing                 }             });

 , outputSettings);         }        finally         {            for (Closeable srcImage : srcImages)             {                try                 {                    srcImage.close();                 }                catch (IOException ignored)                 {                    // ignore                 }             }         }     } }