Drawing Images using Graphics in PHP
Aspose.Imaging - Drawing Images using Graphics
To Draw Images using Graphics using Aspose.Imaging Java for PHP, simply invoke DrawingImagesUsingGraphics module. Here you can see example code.
PHP Code
# Create an instance of BmpOptions and set its various properties
$create_options = new BmpOptions();
\# Create an instance of FileCreateSource and assign it to Source property
$create_options->setSource(new FileCreateSource($dataDir . "DrawingImageUsingGraphics.bmp",false));
\# Create an instance of Image
$image=new Image();
$image = $image->create($create_options,500,500);
\# Create and initialize an instance of Graphics
$graphics = new Graphics($image);
\# Clear the image surface with white color
$color=new Color();
\# Create and initialize a Pen object with blue color
$pen = new Pen($color->getBlue());
\# Draw Ellipse by defining the bounding rectangle of width 150 and height 100
$graphics->drawEllipse($pen, new Rectangle(10, 10, 150, 100));
\# save all changes
print "Created image using graphics.".PHP_EOL;
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