System Requirements
System Requirements
Supported Operating Systems:
Aspose.Imaging for Java can be virtually run in any OS where Java is installed.
- Windows (since 7)
- Linux
- macOS (amd64/arm64)
- Any OS where Java is installed.
Aspose.Imaging works for both x86 and x64 versions of the above listed operating systems.
Supported Java versions:
- Java 21 (LTS)
- Java 17 (LTS)
- Java 11 (LTS)
- Java 8 (LTS)
Other versions
- Java 20
- Java 19
- Java 18
- Java 16
- Java 15
- Java 14
- Java 13
- Java 12
- Java 10
- Java 9
- Java 7
- Java 6
In Linux OS, it is recommended to install the package with Microsoft compatible fonts (e.g. sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer)
In MacOS it is necessary to install ttc/ttf/otf fonts and set the font directory by com.aspose.imaging.FontSettings.setFontFolder, com.aspose.imaging.FontSettings.setFontFolders, and set the default font for rendering with method com.aspose.imaging.FontSettings.setDefaultFontName