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Aspose.Imaging for .NET 16.10 - Release notes
has been updated to version 4.0.0 and we are pleased to announce it. The following is a list of changes in this version of Aspose.Imaging.
Features and Improvements
Key | Summary | Category |
IMAGINGNET-2048 | Creating wmf files by calling Graphics methods (drawImage,drawLine, etc.) | Feature |
IMAGINGNET-1858 | Support for WMF for possible conversion to SVG | Feature |
IMAGINGNET-2086 | Converting GIF to TIFF is generating incorrect TIFF images | Enhancement |
IMAGINGNET-2079 | Emf image differs from C# after saving | Enhancement |
IMAGINGNET-2078 | Save() operation for psd file does not update changed layers(including text layers) in application, but on disk all is saved. | Enhancement |
IMAGINGNET-2061 | Calling ResizeHeightProportionally method is halting the program | Enhancement |
IMAGINGNET-2046 | Updating text in text layers of a PSD file is not generating expected output and also throwing exception | Enhancement |
IMAGINGNET-2045 | Aspose.Imaging 3.9.0 is throwing Out of memory exception when converting WMF to PNG | Enhancement |
IMAGINGNET-2019 | Optimize Dicom to reduce memory usage while load from the specified stream. | Enhancement |
IMAGINGNET-1819 | Exporting Emf+ metafile in pdf works incorrect. | Enhancement |
Usage examples
IMAGINGNET-2048 Creating wmf files by calling Graphics methods (drawImage,drawLine, etc.)
WmfRecorderGraphics2D graphics = new WmfRecorderGraphics2D(
new Rectangle(0, 0, 150, 150), 96);
Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Bisque);
graphics.DrawLine(pen, 1, 1, 50, 50);
pen = new Pen(Color.BlueViolet, 3);
pen.EndCap = LineCap.Round;
graphics.DrawLine(pen, 15, 5, 50, 60);
pen.EndCap = LineCap.Square;
graphics.DrawLine(pen, 5, 10, 50, 10);
pen.EndCap = LineCap.Flat;
graphics.DrawLine(pen, new Point(5, 20), new Point(50, 20));
pen = new Pen(Color.AliceBlue, 7);
graphics.DrawRectangle(pen, 50, 50, 20, 30);
graphics.BackgroundMode = WmfMixMode.Opaque;
graphics.DrawLine(pen, 80, 50, 80, 80);
pen = new Pen(new SolidBrush(Color.Aqua), 3);
pen.LineJoin = LineJoin.MiterClipped;
graphics.DrawPolygon(pen, new[] { new Point(10, 20), new Point(12, 45), new Point(22, 48), new Point(48, 36), new Point(30, 55) });
pen.LineJoin = LineJoin.Bevel;
graphics.DrawRectangle(pen, 50, 10, 10, 5);
pen.LineJoin = LineJoin.Round;
graphics.DrawRectangle(pen, 65, 10, 10, 5);
pen.LineJoin = LineJoin.Miter;
graphics.DrawRectangle(pen, 80, 10, 10, 5);
using (WmfImage image = graphics.EndRecording())
WmfRecorderGraphics2D graphics = new WmfRecorderGraphics2D(
new Rectangle(0, 0, 150, 150), 96);
Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Green, 1);
pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Solid;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(0, 5, 40, 30), 0, 360);
pen.Color = Color.Blue;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(4, 7, 40, 30), 0, 90);
pen.Color = Color.Red;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(8, 9, 40, 30), 0, 180);
pen.Color = Color.Yellow;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(12, 11, 40, 30), 0, 270);
pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash;
pen.Color = Color.Green;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(80, 5, 40, 30), 10, 25);
pen.Color = Color.Blue;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(80, 5, 40, 30), 110, 25);
pen.Color = Color.Red;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(80, 5, 40, 30), 200, 25);
pen.Color = Color.Yellow;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(80, 5, 40, 30), 300, 25);
pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dot;
pen.Color = Color.Green;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(0, 60, 40, 30), 10, 85);
pen.Color = Color.Blue;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(0, 60, 40, 30), 110, 85);
pen.Color = Color.Red;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(0, 60, 40, 30), 200, 85);
pen.Color = Color.Yellow;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(0, 60, 40, 30), 300, 85);
pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.DashDotDot;
pen.Color = Color.Green;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(50, 60, 40, 30), 10, 190);
pen.Color = Color.Blue;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(54, 62, 40, 30), 110, 190);
pen.Color = Color.Red;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(58, 64, 40, 30), 200, 190);
pen.Color = Color.Yellow;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(62, 66, 40, 30), 300, 190);
pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.DashDot;
pen.Color = Color.Green;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(0, 110, 40, 30), 10, 300);
pen.Color = Color.Blue;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(4, 112, 40, 30), 110, 300);
pen.Color = Color.Red;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(8, 114, 40, 30), 200, 300);
pen.Color = Color.Yellow;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(12, 116, 40, 30), 300, 300);
using (WmfImage image = graphics.EndRecording())
WmfRecorderGraphics2D graphics = new WmfRecorderGraphics2D(
new Rectangle(0, 0, 150, 150), 96);
Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Green, 1);
pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Solid;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(0, 5, 40, 30), 0, -360);
pen.Color = Color.Blue;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(4, 7, 40, 30), 0, -90);
pen.Color = Color.Red;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(8, 9, 40, 30), 0, -180);
pen.Color = Color.Yellow;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(12, 11, 40, 30), 0, -270);
pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash;
pen.Color = Color.Green;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(80, 5, 40, 30), 10, -25);
pen.Color = Color.Blue;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(80, 5, 40, 30), 110, -25);
pen.Color = Color.Red;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(80, 5, 40, 30), 200, -25);
pen.Color = Color.Yellow;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(80, 5, 40, 30), 300, -25);
pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dot;
pen.Color = Color.Green;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(0, 60, 40, 30), 10, -85);
pen.Color = Color.Blue;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(0, 60, 40, 30), 110, -85);
pen.Color = Color.Red;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(0, 60, 40, 30), 200, -85);
pen.Color = Color.Yellow;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(0, 60, 40, 30), 300, -85);
pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.DashDotDot;
pen.Color = Color.Green;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(50, 60, 40, 30), 10, -190);
pen.Color = Color.Blue;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(54, 62, 40, 30), 110, -190);
pen.Color = Color.Red;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(58, 64, 40, 30), 200, -190);
pen.Color = Color.Yellow;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(62, 66, 40, 30), 300, -190);
pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.DashDot;
pen.Color = Color.Green;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(0, 110, 40, 30), 10, -300);
pen.Color = Color.Blue;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(4, 112, 40, 30), 110, -300);
pen.Color = Color.Red;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(8, 114, 40, 30), 200, -300);
pen.Color = Color.Yellow;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(12, 116, 40, 30), 300, -300);
using (WmfImage image = graphics.EndRecording())
WmfRecorderGraphics2D graphics = new WmfRecorderGraphics2D(
new Rectangle(0, 0, 150, 150), 96);
Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Green, 1);
pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dash;
pen.Color = Color.Green;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(80, 5, 40, 30), 10, -25);
pen.Color = Color.Blue;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(80, 5, 40, 30), 110, -25);
pen.Color = Color.Red;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(80, 5, 40, 30), 200, -25);
pen.Color = Color.Yellow;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(80, 5, 40, 30), 300, -25);
pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dot;
pen.Color = Color.Green;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(0, 60, 40, 30), 10, 85);
pen.Color = Color.Blue;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(0, 60, 40, 30), 110, 85);
pen.Color = Color.Red;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(0, 60, 40, 30), 200, 85);
pen.Color = Color.Yellow;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(0, 60, 40, 30), 300, 85);
pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.DashDotDot;
pen.Color = Color.Green;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(50, 60, 40, 30), 10, 190);
pen.Color = Color.Blue;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(54, 62, 40, 30), 110, -190);
pen.Color = Color.Red;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(58, 64, 40, 30), 200, 190);
pen.Color = Color.Yellow;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(62, 66, 40, 30), 300, -190);
pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.DashDot;
pen.Color = Color.Green;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(0, 110, 40, 30), 10, -300);
pen.Color = Color.Blue;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(4, 112, 40, 30), 110, -300);
pen.Color = Color.Red;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(8, 114, 40, 30), 200, 300);
pen.Color = Color.Yellow;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(12, 116, 40, 30), 300, 300);
using (WmfImage image = graphics.EndRecording())
WmfRecorderGraphics2D graphics = new WmfRecorderGraphics2D(
new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100), 96);
graphics.BackgroundMode = WmfMixMode.Opaque;
Brush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Bisque);
Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Aqua, 2);
graphics.FillPie(brush, new Rectangle(50, 00, 45, 30), 30, 15);
graphics.DrawPie(pen, new Rectangle(50, 00, 45, 30), 30, 15);
brush = new HatchBrush() { HatchStyle = HatchStyle.DarkHorizontal, BackgroundColor = Color.Green, ForegroundColor = Color.Black };
graphics.DrawPolygon(pen, new Point[] { new Point(0, 0), new Point(0, 40), new Point(40, 40), new Point(40, 0) });
graphics.FillPolygon(brush, new Point[] { new Point(0, 0), new Point(0, 40), new Point(40, 40) });
brush = new HatchBrush() { HatchStyle = HatchStyle.DiagonalCross, BackgroundColor = Color.Yellow, ForegroundColor = Color.Blue };
graphics.FillEllipse(brush, new Rectangle(45, 0, 30, 30));
graphics.DrawEllipse(pen, new Rectangle(45, 0, 30, 30));
string patternFile = (@"D:\TextureBrushPattern.png");
using (Image pattern = Image.Load(patternFile))
brush = new TextureBrush(pattern);
graphics.FillRectangle(brush, new Rectangle(30, 50, 60, 45));
brush = new HatchBrush() { HatchStyle = HatchStyle.LightVertical, BackgroundColor = Color.Green, ForegroundColor = Color.Black };
graphics.FillRectangle(brush, new Rectangle(1, 45, 10, 70));
using (WmfImage image = graphics.EndRecording())
WmfRecorderGraphics2D graphics = new WmfRecorderGraphics2D(
new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100), 96);
Brush brush = new HatchBrush() { HatchStyle = HatchStyle.Vertical, BackgroundColor = Color.Blue, ForegroundColor = Color.Brown };
graphics.FillRectangle(brush, new Rectangle(0, 0, 90, 90));
graphics.BackgroundMode = WmfMixMode.Opaque;
brush = new HatchBrush() { HatchStyle = HatchStyle.Vertical, BackgroundColor = Color.Blue, ForegroundColor = Color.Brown };
graphics.FillPolygon(brush, new Point[] { new Point(60, 2), new Point(74, 20), new Point(70, 6), new Point(66, 20), new Point(80, 15) });
brush = new HatchBrush() { HatchStyle = HatchStyle.ForwardDiagonal, BackgroundColor = Color.Blue, ForegroundColor = Color.Brown };
graphics.FillPolygon(brush, new Point[] { new Point(60, 2 + 20), new Point(74, 20 + 20), new Point(70, 6 + 20), new Point(66, 20 + 20), new Point(80, 15 + 20) }, FillMode.Winding);
graphics.BackgroundMode = WmfMixMode.Transparent;
brush = new HatchBrush() { HatchStyle = HatchStyle.BackwardDiagonal, BackgroundColor = Color.Red, ForegroundColor = Color.Green };
graphics.FillEllipse(brush, new Rectangle(1, 1, 50, 30));
brush = new HatchBrush() { HatchStyle = HatchStyle.Horizontal, BackgroundColor = Color.GreenYellow, ForegroundColor = Color.Red };
graphics.FillRectangle(brush, new Rectangle(1, 55, 12, 30));
graphics.BackgroundMode = WmfMixMode.Opaque;
brush = new HatchBrush() { HatchStyle = HatchStyle.DiagonalCross, BackgroundColor = Color.GreenYellow, ForegroundColor = Color.Red };
graphics.FillRectangle(brush, new Rectangle(0, 30, 10, 20));
string patternFile = (@"D:\TextureBrushPattern.png");
using (Image pattern = Image.Load(patternFile))
brush = new TextureBrush(pattern, new RectangleF(10, 0, 30, 15));
graphics.FillRectangle(brush, new Rectangle(30, 50, 60, 45));
using (WmfImage image = graphics.EndRecording())
WmfRecorderGraphics2D graphics = new WmfRecorderGraphics2D(
new Rectangle(0, 0, 100, 100), 96);
Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Blue);
Brush brush = new SolidBrush(Color.YellowGreen);
graphics.BackgroundColor = Color.WhiteSmoke;
graphics.FillPolygon(brush, new Point[] { new Point(2, 2), new Point(20, 20), new Point(20, 2) });
graphics.DrawPolygon(pen, new Point[] { new Point(2, 2), new Point(20, 20), new Point(20, 2) });
brush = new HatchBrush() { HatchStyle = HatchStyle.Cross, BackgroundColor = Color.White, ForegroundColor = Color.Silver };
graphics.FillEllipse(brush, new Rectangle(25, 2, 20, 20));
graphics.DrawEllipse(pen, new Rectangle(25, 2, 20, 20));
pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dot;
pen.Color = Color.Black;
graphics.DrawArc(pen, new Rectangle(50, 2, 20, 20), 0, 180);
pen.DashStyle = DashStyle.Solid;
pen.Color = Color.Red;
graphics.DrawCubicBezier(pen, new Point(10, 25), new Point(20, 50), new Point(30, 50), new Point(40, 25));
using (Image image = Image.Load(@"D:\TextureBrushPattern.png"))
RasterImage rasterImage = image as RasterImage;
if (rasterImage != null)
graphics.DrawImage(rasterImage, new Point(50, 50));
graphics.DrawLine(pen, new Point(2, 98), new Point(2, 50));
brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Green);
pen.Color = Color.DarkGoldenrod;
graphics.FillPie(brush, new Rectangle(2, 38, 20, 20), 0, 45);
graphics.DrawPie(pen, new Rectangle(2, 38, 20, 20), 0, 45);
pen.Color = Color.AliceBlue;
graphics.DrawPolyline(pen, new Point[] { new Point(50, 40), new Point(75, 40), new Point(75, 45), new Point(50, 45) });
Font font = new Font("Arial", 16);
graphics.DrawString("Aspose", font, Color.Blue, 25, 75);
using (WmfImage image = graphics.EndRecording())
IMAGINGNET-1858 Support for WMF for possible conversion to SVG
string inputFileName = @"D:\eye.wmf";
string outputFileName = inputFileName + ".svg";
using (Image image = Image.Load(inputFileName))
EmfRasterizationOptions options = new EmfRasterizationOptions();
options.PageWidth = image.Width;
options.PageHeight = image.Height;
image.Save(outputFileName, new SvgOptions(){VectorRasterizationOptions = options});
string inputFileName = @"D:\TestEmfPlusFigures.emf";
string outputFileName = inputFileName + ".svg";
using (Image image = Image.Load(inputFileName))
EmfRasterizationOptions options = new EmfRasterizationOptions();
options.PageWidth = image.Width;
options.PageHeight = image.Height;
image.Save(outputFileName, new SvgOptions(){VectorRasterizationOptions = options});
IMAGINGNET-2086 Converting GIF to TIFF is generating incorrect TIFF images
string inputFileName = @"D:\imaging_test_gif.gif";
using (GifImage gif = (GifImage) Aspose.Imaging.Image.Load(inputFileName))
for (int i = 0; i < gif.Blocks.Length; i++)
string outFileName = (@"D:\Tiff\imaging_test_gif_" + i + ".tif");
GifFrameBlock gifBlock = gif.Blocks[i] as GifFrameBlock;
if (gifBlock == null)
gifBlock.Save(outFileName, new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.TiffJpegYCbCr));
IMAGINGNET-2079 Emf image differs from C# after saving
string filePath = @"Picture1.emf";
string outputPath = filePath + ".png";
using (EmfImage emfImage = (EmfImage)Image.Load(filePath))
EmfRasterizationOptions emfRasterizationOptions = new EmfRasterizationOptions();
emfRasterizationOptions.BackgroundColor = Color.DarkMagenta;
emfRasterizationOptions.PageWidth = emfImage.Width;
emfRasterizationOptions.PageHeight = emfImage.Height;
PngOptions pngOptions = new PngOptions();
pngOptions.VectorRasterizationOptions = emfRasterizationOptions;
emfImage.Save(outputPath, pngOptions);
IMAGINGNET-2078 Save() operation for psd file does not update changed layers(including text layers) in application, but on disk all is saved.
Sample of saving updated psd file
string sourceFileName = "textRaster.psd";
using (Aspose.Imaging.Image image = Aspose.Imaging.Image.Load(sourceFileName))
PsdImage psdImage = (Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Psd.PsdImage)image;
PngOptions pngOptions = new PngOptions();
pngOptions.ColorType = Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Png.PngColorType.TruecolorWithAlpha;
TextLayer textLayer1 = (TextLayer)psdImage.Layers[1];
textLayer1.UpdateText("New a", 48.0f, Color.Black);
Graphics gr = new Graphics(psdImage.Layers[0]);
gr.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Red), 0, 0, 10, 10);
psdImage.Save("result.psd", new PsdOptions());
image.Save("result.png", pngOptions);
IMAGINGNET-2061 Calling ResizeHeightProportionally method is halting the program
string inputFile = "D:\12_OGKQ_vanbreda0011.jpg";
string outputFile = "D:\out.jpg"
using (JpegImage jpgImage = new Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Jpeg.JpegImage(inputFile))
jpgImage.ResizeHeightProportionally(3000, ResizeType.LanczosResample);
JpegOptions imageOptions = new JpegOptions();
imageOptions.ResolutionSettings = new ResolutionSetting {VerticalResolution = 300, HorizontalResolution = 300};
jpgImage.Save(this.GetFileInOutputFolder(outputFile), imageOptions);
IMAGINGNET-2046 Updating text in text layers of a PSD file is not generating expected output and also throwing exception
Sample of updating all text layers in psd file. Sample files are attached in archive.
string sourceFolder = @"c:/inputFiles/";
string outputFolder = @"c:/output/";
DirectoryInfo dinfo = new DirectoryInfo(sourceFolder);
FileInfo[] finfo = dinfo.GetFiles("*.psd");
foreach (FileInfo file in finfo)
using (Aspose.Imaging.Image image = Aspose.Imaging.Image.Load(file.FullName))
string outputFile = outputFolder + file.Name;
var psdImage = (Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Psd.PsdImage)image;
int layers = psdImage.Layers.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < layers; i++)
if (psdImage.Layers[i] is TextLayer)
TextLayer textLayer = (TextLayer)psdImage.Layers[i];
textLayer.UpdateText("IK Changed TEXT");
psdImage.Save(outputFile, new PsdOptions() { CompressionMethod = CompressionMethod.RLE });
Example of exporting updated text layer to raster
string inputFile = @"textRaster.psd";
string outputFile = @"rasterTextLayer.png";
using (Aspose.Imaging.Image image = Aspose.Imaging.Image.Load(inputFile))
var psdImage = (Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Psd.PsdImage)image;
var pngOptions = new PngOptions();
pngOptions.ColorType = Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Png.PngColorType.TruecolorWithAlpha;
TextLayer textLayer1 = (TextLayer)psdImage.Layers[1];
textLayer1.UpdateText("New a", 48.0f, Color.Black);
textLayer1.Save(outputFile , pngOptions);
IMAGINGNET-2045 Aspose.Imaging 3.9.0 is throwing Out of memory exception when converting WMF to PNG
string fileName = "2045.wmf";
string inputFile = @"D:\" + fileName;
string outputFile = @"D:\" + fileName + ".png";
using (Image image = Image.Load(inputFile))
if (image == null)
throw new Exception("Failed to load document.");
EmfRasterizationOptions rasterizationOptions = new EmfRasterizationOptions();
rasterizationOptions.PageWidth = image.Width;
rasterizationOptions.PageHeight = image.Height;
PngOptions pngOptions = new PngOptions();
pngOptions.VectorRasterizationOptions = rasterizationOptions;
using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
image.Save(memoryStream, pngOptions);
using (FileStream outFileStream = new FileStream(outputFile, FileMode.Create))
IMAGINGNET-2019 Optimize Dicom to reduce memory usage while load from the specified stream.
string path = @"D:\rc.pbm";
long start = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
using (Image image = Image.Load(path))
catch (ImageLoadException)
if (!exception.InnerException.Message.Contains("The image file format may be not supported at the moment"))
long end = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
float sec = (end - start) / 10000000f;
Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Success, excution time: {0:0.00} seconds.",sec));
IMAGINGNET-1819 Exporting Emf+ metafile in pdf works incorrect.
string filePath = @"image1.emf";
string outputPath = filePath + ".pdf";
using (EmfImage emfImage = (EmfImage)Image.Load(filePath))
EmfRasterizationOptions emfRasterizationOptions = new EmfRasterizationOptions();
emfRasterizationOptions.BackgroundColor = Color.DarkMagenta;
emfRasterizationOptions.PageWidth = emfImage.Width;
emfRasterizationOptions.PageHeight = emfImage.Height;
PdfOptions pdfOptions = new PdfOptions();
pdfOptions.VectorRasterizationOptions = emfRasterizationOptions;
emfImage.Save(outputPath, pdfOptions);