Aspose.Imaging for .NET 18.6 - Release Notes

IMAGINGNET-2973Setting for replacing missing fonts when saving ODG, SVG and MetaFile ImagesFeature
IMAGINGNET-2941RasterImage to PDFFeature
IMAGINGNET-2934Reading pixel values of 48bpp TIFF fileFeature
IMAGINGNET-2985Incorrect conversion from PSD to JPEGEnhancement
IMAGINGNET-2977Using of CMYK color profile for PSD image produce differ from Photoshop colorsEnhancement
IMAGINGNET-2945PNG image not properly converted to JPEGEnhancement
IMAGINGNET-2936Wrong conversion to TIFF when used CMYK profile with TiffExpectedFormat.TiffLzwCmyk modeEnhancement
IMAGINGNET-2929Introduce intermediate APS format and separate exporters from it to WMF and SVG formatsEnhancement
IMAGINGNET-2894TIFF generation with embedded color profiles fails without licenseEnhancement
IMAGINGNET-2871Fix JPT codec option when saving JPEG2000 formatEnhancement

Public API changes:

Added APIs:

Class Aspose.Imaging.IPartialArgb64PixelLoader Method Aspose.Imaging.IPartialArgb64PixelLoader.Process64(Aspose.Imaging.Rectangle,System.Int64[],Aspose.Imaging.Point,Aspose.Imaging.Point) Method Aspose.Imaging.RasterImage.LoadArgb64Pixels(Aspose.Imaging.Rectangle) Property Aspose.Imaging.FileFormats.Dicom.DicomPage.FileFormat Property Aspose.Imaging.FontSettings.DefaultFontName Property Aspose.Imaging.ImageOptions.JpegOptions.PreblendAlphaIfPresent Property Aspose.Imaging.LoadOptions.UseIccProfileConversion

Removed APIs:

No changes in API.

Usage examples:

IMAGINGNET-2973 Setting for replacing missing fonts when saving ODG, SVG and MetaFile Images

 FontSettings.DefaultFontName = "Comic Sans MS";

string[] files = new string[] { "missing-font.emf", "missing-font.odg", "missing-font.svg", "missing-font.wmf" };

VectorRasterizationOptions[] options = new VectorRasterizationOptions[] { new EmfRasterizationOptions(), new MetafileRasterizationOptions(), new SvgRasterizationOptions(), new WmfRasterizationOptions() };

for (int i = 0; i < files.Length; i++)


    string outFile = files[i] + ".png";

    using (Image img = Image.Load(files[i]))


        options[i].PageWidth = img.Width;

        options[i].PageHeight = img.Height;

        img.Save(outFile, new PngOptions()


            VectorRasterizationOptions = options[i]




IMAGINGNET-2941 RasterImage to PDF

 public void DicomToPdf()


    string inputFile = "RleOnePage.dicom";

    string outputFile = "RleOnePage.dicom.pdf";

    using (RasterImage image = (RasterImage)Image.Load(inputFile))


        image.Save(outputFile, new PdfOptions());



public void DngToPdf()


    string inputFileName = "calella1.dng";

    string outFileName = "calella1.dng.pdf";

    using (Image image = Image.Load(inputFileName))


        image.Save(outFileName, new PdfOptions());



public void GifToPdf()


    string path = "transparent_orig.gif";

    string destFilePath = "transparent_orig.gif.pdf";

    using (Image image = Image.Load(path))


        image.Save(destFilePath, new PdfOptions());



public void TiffToPdf()


    string fileName = "gray8-lzw-mac.tif";

    string outFile = fileName + ".pdf";

    using (Image tiff = Image.Load(fileName))


        tiff.Save(outFile, new PdfOptions());



public void WebpToPdf()


    string testFilePath = "animation1.webp";

    string outFilePath = "animation1.webp.pdf";

    using (WebPImage image = new WebPImage(testFilePath))


        image.Save(outFilePath, new PdfOptions());



public void Jpeg2kToPdf()


	string input = "file9.jp2";

	string output = input + ".pdf";

	using (var image = Image.Load(input))


		image.Save(output, new PdfOptions());



IMAGINGNET-2985 Incorrect conversion from PSD to JPEG

To disable alpha blending explicitly, a new flag JpegOptions.PreblendAlphaIfPresent has been introduced. Please use the following code to convert PSD to JPEG without alpha blending:

 string dir = @"c:\\IMAGINGNET\2985\";

string sourcePath = dir + "alphachannel.psd";            

string outputPath = dir + "alphachannel_out.jpg";

PsdLoadOptions loadOptions = new PsdLoadOptions();

loadOptions.ReadOnlyMode = true;

JpegOptions saveOptions = new JpegOptions();

saveOptions.PreblendAlphaIfPresent = false; // Disable alpha blending!

using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourcePath, loadOptions))


	image.Save(outputPath, saveOptions);


IMAGINGNET-2977 Using of CMYK color profile for PSD image produce differ from Photoshop colors

 string sourceFileName = "otameshitameshi-cmyk(1).psd";

            using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourceFileName))


                    image.UseRawData = true;

                    TiffOptions options = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.TiffLzwCmyk);

                    options.IccProfile = image.CmykColorProfile.Stream as MemoryStream;                

                    image.Save("result.tiff", options);


IMAGINGNET-2945 Png image not properly converted to JPEG

source file: picture.png

result file: picture.png.jpg

             string folder = @"D:\";

            string fileName = "picture.png";

            string inputFile = Path.Combine(folder, fileName);

            string outputFile = Path.Combine(folder, fileName+".jpg");

            using (Image image = Image.Load(inputFile))


                JpegOptions jpegOpt = new JpegOptions


                    ColorType = JpegCompressionColorMode.Rgb,

                    Quality = 60,

                    CompressionType = JpegCompressionMode.Baseline,

                    Jfif = new JFIFData()


                        DensityUnits = JfifDensityUnits.PixelsPerInch,

                        XDensity = 100,

                        YDensity = 100



                image.Save(outputFile, jpegOpt);


IMAGINGNET-2936 Wrong conversion to TIFF when used CMYK profile with TiffExpectedFormat.TiffLzwCmyk mode

Input files: cmyktataro.psd, otameshitameshi-cmyk.psd

Output files: cmyktataro.psd.tif, otameshitameshi-cmyk.psd.tif

             string[] fileNames = new string[] { "cmyktataro.psd", "otameshitameshi-cmyk.psd" };

            string folder = @"D:\tiff";

            foreach (var fileName in fileNames)


                string inputFile = Path.Combine(folder, fileName);

                string outputFile = Path.Combine(folder, fileName+".tif");

                using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(inputFile))


                    image.UseRawData = true;

                    TiffOptions options = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.TiffLzwCmyk);

                    options.IccProfile = image.CmykColorProfile.Stream as MemoryStream;

                    image.Save(outputFile, options);



IMAGINGNET-2929 Introduce intermediate APS format and separate exporters from it to WMF and SVG formats

Create folder “Aps” in any place convenient for you, and copy to it file tiger.bmp. Copy to project follow code:

         /// <summary>

        /// Tests the drawing.

        /// </summary>


        public void DrawingExample()


            string baseFolder = @"D:\Aps\";

            string wmfOutFile = Path.Combine(baseFolder, "example.wmf");

            string svgOutFile = Path.Combine(baseFolder, "example.svg");

            using (ApsImage image = new ApsImage(1000, 1000))








                this.ImageOut(image.DeviceContext, baseFolder);

                image.Save(wmfOutFile, new WmfOptions());

                image.Save(svgOutFile, new SvgOptions());



        /// <summary>

        /// Sets the pen and brush.

        /// </summary>

        /// <param name="deviceContext">The device context.</param>

        private void SetPenAndBrush(ApsImageDeviceContext deviceContext)


            deviceContext.SetBrush(new DrSolidBrush(DrColor.Yellow));

            deviceContext.SetPen(new DrPen(DrColor.Blue));


        /// <summary>

        /// Basics the shapes.

        /// </summary>

        /// <param name="deviceContext">The device context.</param>

        private void BasicShapesOut(ApsImageDeviceContext deviceContext)


            deviceContext.Pie(new Rectangle(10, 10, 80, 80), 180, 45);

            deviceContext.Arc(new Rectangle(100, 10, 80, 80), 180, 90);

            deviceContext.SetPen(new DrPen(DrColor.Green));

            deviceContext.Pie(new Rectangle(10, 10, 80, 80), new Point(50,80), new Point(80, 50));

            deviceContext.Arc(new Rectangle(110, 20, 60, 60), new Point(140,20), new Point(140,80));           

            deviceContext.SetPen(new DrPen(DrColor.Blue));

            deviceContext.Chord(new Rectangle(120, 30, 40, 40), new Point(140, 40), new Point(120, 60));

            deviceContext.Ellipse(new Rectangle(200, 10, 80, 80));

            deviceContext.FillRectangle(new Rectangle(300, 10, 80, 80));

            deviceContext.FillFramingRectangle(new Rectangle(400, 10, 80, 80));

            deviceContext.FillRoundRectangle(new Rectangle(500, 10, 80, 80), new SizeF(10, 10));

            deviceContext.Line(new PointF(600, 10), new PointF(680, 90));

            deviceContext.PolyBezier(new PointF[] { new PointF(700, 90), new PointF(725, 10), new PointF(775, 10), new PointF(800, 90) });

            deviceContext.Polygon(new PointF[] { new PointF(810, 90), new PointF(850, 10), new PointF(890, 90) });

            deviceContext.Polyline(new PointF[] { new PointF(610, 200), new PointF(650, 110), new PointF(690, 200) });

            deviceContext.PolyPolygon(new PointF[][] {new PointF[] { new PointF(710, 200), new PointF(750, 110), new PointF(790, 200) }, new PointF[] { new PointF(720, 190), new PointF(750, 120), new PointF(780, 190) }});

            deviceContext.PolyPolyline(new PointF[][] {new PointF[] {new PointF(810, 200), new PointF(850, 110), new PointF(890, 200)}, new PointF[] { new PointF(820, 190), new PointF(850, 120), new PointF(880, 190) } });



        /// <summary>

        /// Pixelses the out.

        /// </summary>

        /// <param name="deviceContext">The device context.</param>

        private void PixelsOut(ApsImageDeviceContext deviceContext)


            int startX = 500;

            int endX = 600;

            int y = 110;

            for (int x = startX; x < endX; x++)


                deviceContext.Pixel(new PointF(x,y));



        /// <summary>

        /// Texts the out.

        /// </summary>

        /// <param name="deviceContext">The device context.</param>

        private void TextOut(ApsImageDeviceContext deviceContext)


            deviceContext.SetFont(ExternalFontCache.Instance.FetchDrFont("Arial", 16, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Bold));

            deviceContext.TextOut("Hello World!", new Point(10, 110));


        /// <summary>

        /// Builds the path.

        /// </summary>

        private void PathOut(ApsImageDeviceContext deviceContext)


            //stroke and fill


            deviceContext.Line(new PointF(100, 110), new PointF(150, 160));

            deviceContext.Line(new PointF(150, 160), new Point(200, 110));

            deviceContext.Line(new PointF(200, 110), new Point(100, 110));




            //stroke only


            deviceContext.Line(new PointF(100, 310), new PointF(150, 360));

            deviceContext.Line(new PointF(150, 360), new Point(200, 310));

            deviceContext.Line(new PointF(200, 310), new Point(100, 310));




            //fill only


            deviceContext.Line(new PointF(200, 310), new PointF(250, 360));

            deviceContext.Line(new PointF(250, 360), new Point(300, 310));

            deviceContext.Line(new PointF(300, 310), new Point(200, 310));





        /// <summary>

        /// Aborts the path.

        /// </summary>

        private void AbortPath(ApsImageDeviceContext deviceContext)



            deviceContext.Line(new PointF(100, 310), new PointF(150, 360));



        /// <summary>

        /// Canvases the out.

        /// </summary>

        /// <param name="deviceContext">The device context.</param>

        private void CanvasOut(ApsImageDeviceContext deviceContext)


            DrMatrix matrix = new DrMatrix();

            matrix.RotateAt(45, new System.Drawing.PointF(200, 110));


            deviceContext.SetFont(ExternalFontCache.Instance.FetchDrFont("Arial", 16, FontStyle.Bold));

            deviceContext.TextOut("Rotated text 45 deg", new Point(200, 110));



        /// <summary>

        /// Images the out.

        /// </summary>

        /// <param name="deviceContext">The device context.</param>

        /// <param name="baseFolder">The base folder.</param>

        private void ImageOut(ApsImageDeviceContext deviceContext, string baseFolder)


            string fileName = Path.Combine(baseFolder, "tiger.bmp");

            using (Aspose.Imaging.Image image = Aspose.Imaging.Image.Load(fileName))


                int height = (int)Math.Round(image.Height / (image.Width / 200d));

                deviceContext.StretchBlt(image, new PointF(300, 110), new SizeF(200, height), WmfTernaryRasterOperation.SRCCOPY);                



using section:

     using System.Drawing;

    using System.IO;

    using Drawing;

    using ImageOptions;

    using Imaging.FileFormats.Aps;

    using Imaging.FileFormats.Wmf.Consts;

    using TrueType;

    using Point = Imaging.Point;

    using PointF = Imaging.PointF;

    using Rectangle = Imaging.Rectangle;

    using SizeF = Imaging.SizeF;

And execute method DrawingExample(). As a result of executing this code, files will be created: example.wmf, example.svg

IMAGINGNET-2894 TIFF generation with embedded color profiles fails without license

Source file: NavyExchangeCmyk.psd

Result file: NavyExchangeCmyk.psd.NoLic.tif

follow code must be executed without license

 string fileName = @"D:\NavyExchangeCmyk.psd";

using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(fileName))


	image.UseRawData = true;

	TiffOptions options = new TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.TiffLzwCmyk);                

	if (image.CmykColorProfile != null)


	  options.IccProfile = image.CmykColorProfile.Stream as MemoryStream;


	image.Save(fileName + ".NoLic.tif", options);


IMAGINGNET-2871 Fix JPT codec option when saving JPEG2000 format

 using (Image img = Image.Load("test.j2k"))


   img.Save("test.jp2", new Jpeg2000Options()


       Comments = new string[] { "Aspose" },

       Codec = Jpeg2000Codec.Jpt

