Aspose.Imaging for .NET 19.2 - Release Notes

IMAGINGNET-3142Implement support CMX formatFeature
IMAGINGNET-3216Add support for loading font directories for PSD formatFeature
IMAGINGNET-3154Exclude references to metafiles in the CDR, ODG formatsEnhancement
IMAGINGNET-3241Replace TIFF pages (frames)Enhancement
IMAGINGNET-3236SVG not properly converted to PDFEnhancement
IMAGINGNET-3215File from font folder is lockedEnhancement
IMAGINGNET-3242Exception on loading EPS imageEnhancement

Usage examples:

IMAGINGNET-3142 Implement support CMX format

 // Example of exporting the entire document page

string[] fileNames = new string[] {










foreach(string fileName in fileNames) {

 using(Image image = Image.Load(fileName)) {


   fileName + ".docpage.png",

   new PngOptions {

    VectorRasterizationOptions =

     new CmxRasterizationOptions() {

      Positioning = PositioningTypes.DefinedByDocument,

       SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias





IMAGINGNET-3216 Add support for loading font directories for PSD format

 string sourceFIle = @"grinched-regular-font.psd";

//Folder that contains fonts that we want to use for rendering

//(file GrinchedRegular.otf must be in this folder for proper work of example)



using (PsdImage image = (PsdImage)Image.Load(sourceFIle, new PsdLoadOptions()))


     image.Save(output, new PngOptions());


IMAGINGNET-3241 Replace TIFF pages (frames)

 // the code below will rearrange the TIFF image frames in reverse order

using(TiffImage tiffImage = (TiffImage) Image.Load("input.tiff")) {

 TiffFrame[] frames = new TiffFrame[tiffImage.Frames.Length];

 for (int i = 0; i < frames.Length; i++) {

  frames[i] = TiffFrame.CopyFrame(tiffImage.Frames[i]);


 for (int i = 0; i < frames.Length; i++) {

  TiffFrame removedFrame = tiffImage.ReplaceFrame(frames.Length - i - 1, frames[i]);





IMAGINGNET-3236 SVG not properly converted to PDF

 using (Image image = Image.Load("boxGetsBorder.svg"))


        SvgRasterizationOptions svgRasterization =

                new SvgRasterizationOptions();

        svgRasterization.PageSize = image.Size;

        PdfOptions pdfSaveOptions = new PdfOptions();

        pdfSaveOptions.VectorRasterizationOptions = svgRasterization;

        image.Save("boxGetsBorder.svg.pdf ", pdfSaveOptions);


IMAGINGNET-3215 File from font folder is locked

 //Please unpack and use the following code to delete fonts folder after image conversion:

string dir = "c:\\\\IMAGINGNET\\3215\\";

string sourceFilePath = dir + "missing-font.odg";

string outputFilePath = dir + "missing-font.odg.png";

string customFontsDir = dir + "fonts\\";


using(Image image = Image.Load(sourceFilePath)) {

 PngOptions saveOptions = new PngOptions();

 saveOptions.VectorRasterizationOptions = new OdgRasterizationOptions();

 saveOptions.VectorRasterizationOptions.PageSize = image.Size;

 image.Save(outputFilePath, saveOptions);


// No exception occurs

Directory.Delete(customFontsDir, true);

IMAGINGNET-3242 Exception on loading EPS image

 using (Image image = Image.Load("38233Y.EPS"))


    image.Save("output.png", new PngOptions());


IMAGINGNET-3154 Exclude references to metafiles in the CDR, ODG formats

 input files: attachment: test.cdr, attachment: test.odg, attachment: test.emf, attachment: test.wmf

output files: attachment: test.cdr.png, attachment: test.odg.png, attachment: test.emf.png, attachment: test.wmf.png

string[] files = {






string baseFolder = "D:\\test";

foreach(string fileName in files) {

  string inputFile = Path.Combine(baseFolder, fileName);

  string outputFile = inputFile + ".png";

  using(Image image = Image.Load(inputFile)) {

   VectorRasterizationOptions rasterizationOptions;

   if (image is CdrImage) {

    rasterizationOptions = new CdrRasterizationOptions();

   } else if (image is OdgImage) {

    rasterizationOptions = new OdgRasterizationOptions();

   } else if (image is WmfImage) {

    rasterizationOptions = new WmfRasterizationOptions();

   } else {

    rasterizationOptions = new EmfRasterizationOptions();


   rasterizationOptions.PageSize = image.Size;

   image.Save(outputFile, new PngOptions {

    VectorRasterizationOptions = rasterizationOptions

