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Aspose.Imaging for .NET 23.6 - Release notes

Competitive features:

Since 23.6 release Aspose.Imaging for .NET supports Aspose.Drawing for .NET7 configuration as default graphics engine. If you work with Aspose.Imaging in Non-Windows environment you can view how to work with Aspose.Imaging .NET Core dlls in Non-Windows Environment guide.

Net2.0, Net3.5,Net3.5 client profile remove notice - Please note, in the nearest releases Net2.0, Net3.5, Net3.5 client profile configurations will not be supported. Aspose.Imaging.FileFormat.Undefined renaming notice - Please note, in the next Aspose.Imaging release field Aspose.Imaging.FileFormat.Undefined will be renamed to Aspose.Imaging.FileFormat.Unknown to unify usage of the library.

IMAGINGNET-6312Evaluation watermark is added to the output when converting DCMEnhancement
IMAGINGNET-6283EMF to SVG NullReferenceExceptionEnhancement
IMAGINGNET-6110Regression: Exif Data is missing exceptionEnhancement

Public API changes:

Added APIs:

Removed APIs:

Usage Examples:

IMAGINGNET-6312 Evaluation watermark is added to the output when converting DCM

using var stream = File.OpenRead(FileName);
using var image = ImagingVentureLicenser.Load(stream, true, string.Empty);

IMAGINGNET-6283 EMF to SVG NullReferenceException

using (EmfImage image = (EmfImage)Image.Load("D:\\SimpleReport.emf"))
   image.Save("D:\\result.svg", new SvgOptions());

IMAGINGNET-6110 Regression: Exif Data is missing exception

using var image = Image.Load(str, new LoadOptions { DataRecoveryMode = DataRecoveryMode.ConsistentRecover }) as JpegImage;

var exifData = image.ExifData;
if (exifData == null)
    throw new Exception("ExifData is missing");

// Do something with it
var bps = exifData.BitsPerSample;