Create multipage tiff from set of images

Create multipage tiff from set of images

Issue : Create multipage tiff from set of images.

Tips : To create multipage tiff from set of images add_page method can be used.

Example :

import aspose.pycore as aspycore
from aspose.imaging import Image, RasterImage
from aspose.imaging.fileformats.tiff import TiffImage, TiffFrame
from aspose.imaging.fileformats.tiff.enums import TiffExpectedFormat
from aspose.imaging.imageoptions import TiffOptions
import os
if 'TEMPLATE_DIR' in os.environ:
templates_folder = os.environ['TEMPLATE_DIR']
templates_folder = r"C:\Users\USER\Downloads\templates"
delete_output = 'SAVE_OUTPUT' not in os.environ
data_dir = templates_folder
def load_images():
images = []
for file_path in ["template.png", "template.jpg", "template.bmp"]:
images.append(aspycore.as_of(Image.load(os.path.join(data_dir, file_path)), RasterImage))
return images
# Load frames
images = load_images()
# Create TIFF image using the first frame
with TiffImage(TiffFrame(images[0])) as image:
# Add frames to the TIFF image using the AddPage method
for index in range(len(images)):
# Save TIFF image using options
options = TiffOptions(TiffExpectedFormat.TIFF_JPEG_RGB), "result.tiff"), options)
for image in images:
# dispose image by calling __exit__()
with image:
if delete_output:
os.remove(os.path.join(data_dir, "result.tiff"))