Convert image to pdf, which looks like a scanned

Convert image to pdf, which looks like a scanned

Issue : How to emulate scanned document from your image

Tips : Appose.Imaging allows convert your single page or multi page images into pdf, which looks like a scanned document.

Example of conversion of image to pdf, which looks like a scanned

import aspose.pycore as aspycore
from aspose.imaging import Image, ResolutionSetting, Color, IntRange
from aspose.imaging.fileformats.pdf import PdfDocumentInfo
from aspose.imaging.fileformats.djvu import DjvuImage
from aspose.imaging.imagefilters.filteroptions import GaussianBlurFilterOptions
from aspose.imaging.imageoptions import PdfOptions, DjvuMultiPageOptions
import os
import random
if 'TEMPLATE_DIR' in os.environ:
templates_folder = os.environ['TEMPLATE_DIR']
templates_folder = r"C:\Users\USER\Downloads\templates"
delete_output = 'SAVE_OUTPUT' not in os.environ
# Path to input djvu file
input_file = os.path.join(templates_folder, "template.djvu")
with aspycore.as_of(Image.load(input_file), DjvuImage) as image:
document_page_count = image.pages.length
# Apply scanner effects
# Apply scanner effects
# for loop
for page in image.djvu_pages:
page.rotate(-0.5 + random.randint(0, 100) % 2, True, Color.white)
page.filter(page.bounds, GaussianBlurFilterOptions(5, 5))
# Export to Pdf
default_page_ppi = 300
export_options = PdfOptions()
export_options.resolution_settings = ResolutionSetting(default_page_ppi, default_page_ppi)
export_options.pdf_document_info = PdfDocumentInfo()
range_pages = IntRange(0, 1)
export_options.multi_page_options = DjvuMultiPageOptions(range_pages), "result.pdf"), export_options)
if delete_output:
os.remove(os.path.join(templates_folder, "result.pdf"))

Input image sample

Input image sample

Input image before application of scan effect Looking like scanned result