Aspose.Note for Java 2.3.0 Release Notes

Aspose.Note for Java is a class library that enables applications to interact with Microsoft Office OneNote programmatically without it being installed on the server. It is a pure alternate for the Microsoft OneNote Object Model and provides better performance and ease of use for managing OneNote documents.

Visit the documentation to learn how to Getting Started.

Features and Improvements

NOTEJAVA-38Support for OneNote Notebook (.onetoc2) filesNew Feature

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Note for Java.

The following public classes were added:Description
com.aspose.note.Notebook Represents an Aspose.Note notebook. 
com.aspose.note.NotebookLoadOptions An options used to load a notebook. 
com.aspose.note.INotebookChildNode Represents an Aspose.Note notebook’s child. 
The following public methods were added:Description
com.aspose.note.Notebook.#ctor(java.lang.String) Initializes a new instance of the Notebook class. Opens an existing OneNote notebook from a file. 
com.aspose.note.Notebook.#ctor(java.lang.String,com.aspose.note.NotebookLoadOptions)Initializes a new instance of the Notebook class. Opens an existing OneNote notebook from a file. Allows to specify additional options such as a children loading strategy (“lazy”/instant). 
com.aspose.note.Notebook.getChildNodes(java.lang.Class) Get all child nodes by the node type. 
com.aspose.note.Notebook.getColor Gets the color. 
com.aspose.note.Notebook.setColor(java.awt.Color) Sets the color. 
com.aspose.note.Notebook.getDisplayName Gets the display name. 
com.aspose.note.Notebook.setDisplayName(java.lang.String) Sets the display name. 
com.aspose.note.Notebook.isHistoryEnabled Gets a value indicating whether the history is enabled. 
com.aspose.note.Notebook.setHistoryEnabled(boolean) Sets a value indicating whether the history is enabled. 
com.aspose.note.Notebook.get_Item(int) Gets notebook child node by the given index. 
com.aspose.note.Notebook.iterator Returns an enumerator that iterates through child nodes of the Notebook. 
com.aspose.note.NotebookLoadOptions.#ctor Initializes a new instance of the NotebookLoadOptions class. 
com.aspose.note.NotebookLoadOptions.getInstantLoading Gets a value indicating whether children documents should be loaded while the parent document is loading. 
com.aspose.note.NotebookLoadOptions.setInstantLoading(boolean) Sets a value indicating whether children documents should be loaded while the parent document is loading. 
com.aspose.note.INotebookChildNode.getColor Gets a color. Default value is Color.Empty. 
com.aspose.note.INotebookChildNode.getDisplayName Gets a display name.