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Aspose.Note for Java 20.5 Release Notes

Major Features

  • Refactoring of document’s rendering: now formatting of the generated PDF document is more consistent with documents generated by Microsoft OneNote
  • Refactoring of processing of *.onetoc2 files
  • Refactoring of font processing to properly work under Linux

Features and Improvements

NOTENET-2533Fonts files are not created when using the resource saving callbacksBug
NOTENET-2791Complete information is not rendered to PDFBug
NOTENET-2878Problem opening ONETOC2 filesBug
NOTEJAVA-710Text cut off when converting OneNote file to PDFBug
NOTEJAVA-711Resolving font when converting OneNote file to PDFBug

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

The following public methods were added:Description
com.aspose.note.fonts.DocumentFontsSubsystem.#ctor( a new instance of the DocumentFontsSubsystem class.
com.aspose.note.fonts.DocumentFontsSubsystem.#ctor(java.lang.String)Initializes a new instance of the DocumentFontsSubsystem class.
com.aspose.note.fonts.DocumentFontsSubsystem.#ctor(,java.util.HashMap)Initializes a new instance of the DocumentFontsSubsystem class.
com.aspose.note.fonts.DocumentFontsSubsystem.#ctor(java.lang.String,java.util.HashMap)Initializes a new instance of the DocumentFontsSubsystem class.
com.aspose.note.fonts.FontsSubsystem.#ctor( a new instance of the FontsSubsystem class.
com.aspose.note.fonts.FontsSubsystem.#ctor(java.lang.String)Initializes a new instance of the FontsSubsystem class.
com.aspose.note.fonts.FontsSubsystem.#ctor(,java.util.HashMap)Initializes a new instance of the FontsSubsystem class.
com.aspose.note.fonts.FontsSubsystem.#ctor(java.lang.String,java.util.HashMap)Initializes a new instance of the FontsSubsystem class.
The following public properties were added:Description
com.aspose.note.Image.isBackgroundGets whether the image is a background image.
com.aspose.note.Image.setBackground(boolean)Sets whether the image is a background image.
The following public constants and enumerations were added:Description
com.aspose.note.FontFaceType.DontSaveDo not save fonts.