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Aspose.Note for .NET 2.5.0 Release Notes

Aspose.Note for .NET is a class library that enables applications to interact with Microsoft Office OneNote programmatically without it being installed on the server. It is a pure alternate for the Microsoft OneNote Object Model and provides better performance and ease of use for managing OneNote documents.

Visit the documentation to learn how to Getting Started.

Features and Improvements

NOTENET-1661Implement saving document history to *.one formatEnhancement
NOTENET-1865Add revision information to the document’s page typeEnhancement
NOTENET-1934MD5 check error for OneNote 2016 formatBug
NOTENET-1989Fix bug related to possible empty NotebookManagementEntityGuid in the PageSeries nodeBug
NOTENET-2051Last subpage is in incorrect position after opening and then saving documentBug
NOTENET-2052Pages with subpages which we create cannot be collapsed by MS OneNoteBug
NOTENET-2061Loading attached OneNote documents raise exceptionBug
NOTENET-2077Exception “An item with the same key has already been added” raised while loading the attached one note fileBug
NOTENET-2079FileCorruptedException during parsing of sample fileBug
NOTENET-2096Failure to generate output files if path is the same as execution folderBug
NOTENET-2098Inconsistent file names while exporting flattened notebookBug
NOTENET-2105Notebook’s structure is changed while saved with NotebookSaveOptions.FlattenBug
NOTENET-2131Incorrect pages in Page HistoryBug

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

The following is a list of any changes made to the public API such as added, renamed, removed or deprecated members as well as any non-backward compatible change made to Aspose.Note for .NET. If you have concerns about any change listed, please raise it on the Aspose.Note support forum.

The following public methods and properties previously marked as obsolete were removed:Description
Aspose.Note.Image.#ctor(Aspose.Note.Document) Use other constructors to create a valid Image instance. 
Aspose.Note.Image.Path Use the constructor parameters to specify the path to the image. 
Aspose.Note.Image.IsSizeSetByUser The property does not affect anything. 
Aspose.Note.NumberList.#ctor Use other constructors to create a valid NumberList instance. 
Aspose.Note.RichText.IsTitleText To set the text of the title Title.TitleText property should be used. 
Aspose.Note.RichText.IsTitleDate To set the date of the title Title.TitleDate property should be used. 
Aspose.Note.RichText.IsTitleTime To set the time of the title Title.TitleTime property should be used. 
Aspose.Note.Table.Rows To access rows collection the Table.Children property should be used. To change rows collection Table.AppendChild and Table.RemoveChild methods should be used.
Aspose.Note.TableColumn.Ordinal To specify an order for the columns the Table.Columns property should be used. 
The following public classes were added:Description
Aspose.Note.PageHistory Represents the page history. 
Aspose.Note.RevisionSummary Represents a summary for node’s revision. 
The following public methods and properties were added:Description
Aspose.Note.Image.FilePath Gets the path to the image file. 
Aspose.Note.Page.PageContentRevisionSummary Gets or sets the revision summary for the page and it’s child nodes. 
Aspose.Note.Page.Clone Clones the page. 
Aspose.Note.PageHistory.#ctor(Aspose.Note.Page) Initializes a new instance of the PageHistory class. 
Aspose.Note.PageHistory.Current Gets the page. 
Aspose.Note.PageHistory.Count Gets the count of the page versions in the page history. 
Aspose.Note.PageHistory.IsReadOnly Gets a value indicating whether the page history is read only. 
Aspose.Note.PageHistory.Item(System.Int32) Gets or sets the page version at the specified index of the PageHistory. 
Aspose.Note.PageHistory.GetEnumerator Returns an enumerator that iterates through child nodes of the PageHistory. 
Aspose.Note.PageHistory.Contains(Aspose.Note.Page) Determines whether the page history contains the page version. 
Aspose.Note.PageHistory.IndexOf(Aspose.Note.Page) Determines the index of a specific page version in the page history. 
Aspose.Note.PageHistory.Add(Aspose.Note.Page) Adds the page version to the end of the PageHistory. 
Aspose.Note.PageHistory.AddRange(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable{{Aspose.Note.Page}})Adds the page versions to the end of the PageHistory. 
Aspose.Note.PageHistory.Insert(System.Int32,Aspose.Note.Page) Inserts a page version into the page history. 
Aspose.Note.PageHistory.Remove(Aspose.Note.Page) Removes the page version from the PageHistory. 
Aspose.Note.PageHistory.RemoveAt(System.Int32) Removes the page version at the specified index of the PageHistory. 
Aspose.Note.PageHistory.RemoveRange(System.Int32,System.Int32) Removes a range of the page versions from the PageHistory. 
Aspose.Note.PageHistory.Clear Clears the page history. 
Aspose.Note.PageHistory.CopyTo(Aspose.Note.Page[],System.Int32) Copies the page versions to an array, starting at the beginning. 
Aspose.Note.RevisionSummary.#ctor Initializes a new instance of the RevisionSummary class. 
Aspose.Note.RevisionSummary.LastModifiedTime Gets or sets the last modified time. 
Aspose.Note.RevisionSummary.AuthorMostRecent Gets or sets the most recent author.