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Aspose.Note for .NET 21.7 Release Notes

Major Features

  • Specialized exception regarding OneNote 2007 format is not supported.
  • Support of licenses with sha256

Features and Improvements

NOTENET-3239HyperLink Address is empty despite there is a hyperlink address in the one note fileBug
NOTENET-3317Exception “Not enough stream data” when opening password protected documentsBug
NOTENET-3321Add support of sha256 hashes to license validation algorithmFeature
NOTENET-3318Add special exception that OneNote 2007 format is not supported.Feature

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

The following public constants were added:Description
Aspose.Note.FileFormat.OneNote2007OneNote 2007 file format.
The following public properties were removed:Description
Aspose.Note.Image.AlternativeTextGets or sets an alternative text for the image.
Aspose.Note.RichText.DefaultStyleGets or sets the default style.
The following public methods were removed:Description
Aspose.Note.CompositeNode.GetTextGet all text from the node.
Aspose.Note.Fonts.DocumentFontsSubsystem.#ctor(System.Drawing.FontFamily,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})Initializes a new instance of the DocumentFontsSubsystem class.
Aspose.Note.Fonts.FontsSubsystem.#ctor(System.Drawing.FontFamily,System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary{System.String,System.String})Initializes a new instance of the FontsSubsystem class.