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Aspose.OCR for CPP 20.6 Release Notes

Aspose.OCR for C (C++) is a cross-platform C and C++ library for optical character recognition and document scanning. It allows you to scan documents and recognize characters.

Supported Characters


Input formats

  • bmp (32bit and 16bit not supported)
  • jpg
  • png

Aspose OCR API

Note: C++ API have alias for all functions. Replace “asposeocr_FUNCTION_NAME” to aspose::ocr::FUNCTION_NAME *

void asposeocr_set_license(const char* licenseFullPath)licenseFullPath - path to xml license file.
bool asposeocr_get_state()Return license status.
size_t asposeocr_page(const char* image_path, wchar_t* result, size_t buffer_size)Auto-align image and autodetect text areas. image_path - full path to the image, result - pointer to buffer with recognized string, buffer_size - the size of buffer reserved for the result. Return size of result string in wchar_t symbols.
size_t asposeocr_page_rect(const char* image_path, wchar_t* result, size_t buffer_size, int x, int y, int w, int h)Auto-align image and autodetect text areas. image_path - full path to the image, result - pointer to buffer with recognized string, buffer_size - the size of buffer reserved for the result. x, y - the coordinates of the top-left point of the rectangle. w, h - rectangle width and height. Return size of result string in wchar_t symbols.
size_t asposeocr_page_abc(const char* image_path, wchar_t* result, size_t buffer_size, const wchar_t* const alphabet)Auto-align image and autodetect text areas. image_path - full path to the image, result - pointer to buffer with recognized string, buffer_size - the size of buffer reserved for the result. alphabet - const whar_t * string with allowed symbols. Return size of result string in wchar_t symbols.
size_t asposeocr_page_rect_abc(const char* image_path, wchar_t* result, size_t buffer_size, int x, int y, int w, int h, const wchar_t* const alphabet)Auto-align image and autodetect text areas. image_path - full path to the image, result - pointer to buffer with recognized string, buffer_size - the size of buffer reserved for the result. x, y - the coordinates of the top-left point of the rectangle. w, h - rectangle width and height.alphabet - const whar_t * string with allowed symbols. Return size of result string in wchar_t symbols.
size_t asposeocr_line(const char* image_path, wchar_t* result, size_t buffer_size)Get a single line and recognize it. image_path - full path to the image, result - pointer to buffer with recognized string, buffer_size - the size of buffer reserved for the result. Return size of result string in wchar_t symbols.
size_t asposeocr_line_abc(const char* image_path, wchar_t* result, size_t buffer_size, const wchar_t* const alphabet)size_t asposeocr_line_abc(const char* image_path, wchar_t* result, size_t buffer_size, const wchar_t* const alphabet)
double asposeocr_get_skew(const char* image_path)Calculate the skew angle.

New features

  • C interface and compatibility.
  • The dependency of onnxruntime library from NuGet (in Windows)
  • New API for recognition in rectangle and limited symbol set.

Old: const wchar_t* aspose::ocr::recognize_page(const char* image_path); Replaced to: size_t asposeocr_page(const char* image_path, wchar_t* result, size_t buffer_size) size_t aspose::ocr::page(const char* image_path, wchar_t* result, size_t buffer_size);

Old: const wchar_t* aspose::ocr::recognize_line(const char* image_path); Replaced to: size_t asposeocr_line(const char* image_path, wchar_t* result, size_t buffer_size) size_t aspose::ocr::line(const char* image_path, wchar_t* result, size_t buffer_size)

New API:bool asposeocr_get_state() | Return license status. size_t asposeocr_page_rect(const char* image_path, wchar_t* result, size_t buffer_size, int x, int y, int w, int h) | Auto-align image and autodetect texts areas. image_path - full path to the image, result - pointer to buffer with recognized string, buffer_size - the size of buffer reserved for the result. x, y - the coordinates of the top-left point of the rectangle. w, h - rectangle width and height. Return size of result string in wchar_t symbols. size_t asposeocr_page_abc(const char* image_path, wchar_t* result, size_t buffer_size, const wchar_t* const alphabet) | Auto-align image and autodetect texts areas. image_path - full path to the image, result - pointer to buffer with recognized string, buffer_size - the size of buffer reserved for the result. alphabet - const whar_t * string with allowed symbols. Return size of result string in wchar_t symbols. size_t asposeocr_page_rect_abc(const char* image_path, wchar_t* result, size_t buffer_size, int x, int y, int w, int h, const wchar_t* const alphabet) | Auto-align image and autodetect texts areas. image_path - full path to the image, result - pointer to buffer with recognized string, buffer_size - the size of buffer reserved for the result. x, y - the coordinates of the top-left point of the rectangle. w, h - rectangle width and height.alphabet - const whar_t * string with allowed symbols. Return size of result string in wchar_t symbols. size_t asposeocr_line_abc(const char* image_path, wchar_t* result, size_t buffer_size, const wchar_t* const alphabet) | Get single line and recognize it. image_path - full path to the image, result - pointer to buffer with recognized string, buffer_size - the size of buffer reserved for the result. alphabet - const whar_t * string with allowed symbols. Return size of result string in wchar_t symbols.

Example (C++17 since filesystem)

#include <iostream>

#include <aspose_ocr.h>

#include <filesystem>

#include <corecrt_io.h>

#include <fcntl.h>

int main()

 _setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_U16TEXT);

 //Current directory
 const std::filesystem::path path{ std::filesystem::current_path() };

 /* asposeocr_set_license */

 const std::string lic = "/Aspose.Total.lic";
 std::filesystem::path license = path.string() + lic;

 /* asposeocr_set_license */

 bool lic_result = asposeocr_get_state();

 //Recognize image
 std::filesystem::path image = path.string() + "/p.png";

 // Prepare buffer for result (in symbols, len_byte = len * sizeof(wchar_t))
 const size_t len = 4096;
 wchar_t buffer[len] = { 0 };

 /* asposeocr_page */

 size_t res_len = asposeocr_page(image.string().c_str(), buffer, len);

 //Print result
 std::wcout << buffer << L"\n";

 /* asposeocr_page_rect */

 int x = 138, y = 352, w = 2033, h = 537;
 size_t size = asposeocr_page_rect(image.string().c_str(), buffer, len, x, y, w, h);
 std::wcout << buffer << L"\n";

 /* asposeocr_page_abc */

 size = asposeocr_page_abc(image.string().c_str(), buffer, len,
 L" !\",#$%&()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@[\\]_`{|}"
 std::wcout << buffer << L"\n";

 /* asposeocr_page_rect_abc */
 size = asposeocr_page_rect_abc(image.string().c_str(), buffer, len, x, y, w, h,
 L" !\",#$%&()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@[\\]_`{|}"

 std::wcout << buffer << L"\n";

 std::string f = path.string() + "/0001460985.Jpeg";

 /* asposeocr_line */
 size = asposeocr_page(f.c_str(), buffer, len);
 std::wcout << buffer;

 /* asposeocr_line_abc */
 size = asposeocr_line_abc(f.c_str(), buffer, len, L"0123456789");
 std::wcout << buffer;