Aspose.OCR for C++ 23.3.0 - Release Notes

Deprecation warning

What was changed

OCRCPP‑427Logging support.New feature
OCRCPP‑428Tracking of recognition progress.New feature
OCRCPP‑432A slimmer, faster and more straightforward API has been introduced. See Added public APIs for details.New feature
OCRCPP‑432Most of the existing API elements have been marked as deprecated to remind you to update your existing code. They remain functional but will be removed in release 24.1.0 (January 2024) in favor of the new API introduced in this release. See Deprecated APIs for details.Enhancement

Public API changes and backwards compatibility

This section lists all public API changes introduced in Aspose.OCR for C++ 23.3.0 that may affect the code of existing applications.

Added public APIs:

The following public APIs have been introduced in this release:

AsposeOCRInput structure

A universal structure for providing any type of data (images, PDF documents, archives, folders, arrays, and so on) to the new image recognition functions.

AsposeOCRRawDataType enumerator

Color models of an image provided as an array of pixels:

ValueColor modelImage pixel structure
ASPOSE_OCR_RGBRed-Green-Blue (RGB)image_pixels[{vertical position of a pixel}][{horizontal position of a pixel]}][{amount of red}]
image_pixels[{vertical position of a pixel}][{horizontal position of a pixel]}][{amount of green}]
image_pixels[{vertical position of a pixel}][{horizontal position of a pixel]}][{amount of blue}]
ASPOSE_OCR_GRAYSCALEMonochrome (grayscale)image_pixels[{vertical position of a pixel}][{horizontal position of a pixel]}][{saturation}]

This enumerator is used as a replacement for the channels_size member of the ImageDescriptor structure.

asposeocr_recognize function

Recognize one or more files provided as AsposeOCRInput structure. It is a universal replacement for the following recognition functions:

asposeocr_page()Read the image with automatic text areas detection and skew angle correction.
asposeocr_page_settings()Fine-tune recognition settings and read the image.
asposeocr_page_all()Read the entire image without text areas detection.
asposeocr_page_abc()Read only the predefined list of characters from the image.
asposeocr_page_abc_all()Read only the predefined list of characters from the image without text areas detection.
asposeocr_page_tiff()Extract text from a single-page or a multi-page TIFF image.
asposeocr_page_from_uri()Extract text from an image provided with the web link.
asposeocr_pages_multi()Read images provided as a folder, or a ZIP archive.
asposeocr_pages_multi_array()Read images provided as an array or paths.
asposeocr_pages_multi_array_from_raw_bytes()Read images provided as pixel arrays.
asposeocr_page_from_raw_bytes()Read the array with image pixels, using automatic text areas detection and skew angle correction.
asposeocr_page_settings_from_raw_bytes()Fine-tune recognition settings and read the array with image pixels.
asposeocr_page_all_from_raw_bytes()Read the entire array with image pixels.
asposeocr_page_abc_from_raw_bytes()Read only predefined list of characters from the array with image pixels.
asposeocr_page_abc_all_from_raw_bytes()Read only predefined list of characters from the array with image pixels without text areas detection.
asposeocr_page_rect()Extract text from specified image areas.
asposeocr_page_rect_from_raw_bytes()Extract text from specified areas of an image provided as an array of pixels.
asposeocr_page_rect_abc()Read only the predefined list of characters from specified image areas.
asposeocr_page_rect_abc_from_raw_bytes()Read only the predefined list of characters from specified areas of an image provided as an array of pixels.

AsposeOCRRecognitionArea structure

Describes the detected text area and the text extracted from it.

AsposeOCRRecognizedPage structure

Describes the result of single image recognition. Contains all detected text areas, represented by AsposeOCRRecognitionArea structures.

AsposeOCRRecognitionResult structure

Describes the result of multiple images recognition. Contains all detected images, represented by AsposeOCRRecognizedPage structures.

This structure is returned from asposeocr_recognize function, regardless of the source data type.

asposeocr_serialize_result function

Converts AsposeOCRRecognitionResult structure into plain text, JSON or XML.

asposeocr_free_result function

Releases the memory allocated by the asposeocr_recognize function.

AsposeOCRLogSettings structure

Describes logging options.


Logging severity levels:

ASPOSE_OCR_LOG_NONEDisable logging.
ASPOSE_OCR_LOG_ERRORError events of considerable importance that will affect normal program execution.
ASPOSE_OCR_LOG_WARNINGErrors and potentially harmful situations that might still allow the application to continue running.
ASPOSE_OCR_LOG_TRACEErrors, warnings and detailed trace messages useful for debugging and optimization.

asposeocr_configure_logging function

Apply logging parameters, provided as AsposeOCRLogSettings structure.

asposeocr_set_progress_tracker function

Assign the custom function that will be called when the recognition progress is updated.

AsposeOCRProgress structure

Describes recognition progress, reported to the custom tracking function.


Recognition process stages:

ASPOSE_OCR_STARTThe recognition process is started.
ASPOSE_OCR_LOADEDThe image is passed to OCR.
ASPOSE_OCR_PREPROCESSEDPreprocessing filters has been applied to the image.
ASPOSE_OCR_REGIONS_DETECTEDText regions has been detected.
ASPOSE_OCR_TEXT_RECOGNIZEDRecognition is finished.

Updated public APIs:

No changes.

Removed public APIs:

No changes.

Deprecated APIs

The following public APIs have been marked as deprecated and will be removed in 24.1.0 (January 2024) release:

ImageDescriptor structure

Replaced by a universal and more versatile AsposeOCRInput structure.

asposeocr_page() function

Replaced with an universal asposeocr_recognize function.

asposeocr_page_settings() function

Replaced with an universal asposeocr_recognize function.

asposeocr_page_all() function

Replaced with an universal asposeocr_recognize function.

asposeocr_page_abc() function

Replaced with an universal asposeocr_recognize function.

asposeocr_page_abc_all() function

Replaced with an universal asposeocr_recognize function.

asposeocr_page_tiff() function

Replaced with an universal asposeocr_recognize function.

asposeocr_page_from_uri() function

Replaced with an universal asposeocr_recognize function.

asposeocr_pages_multi() function

Replaced with an universal asposeocr_recognize function.

asposeocr_page_from_raw_bytes() function

Replaced with an universal asposeocr_recognize function.

asposeocr_page_settings_from_raw_bytes() function

Replaced with an universal asposeocr_recognize function.

asposeocr_page_all_from_raw_bytes() function

Replaced with an universal asposeocr_recognize function.

asposeocr_page_abc_from_raw_bytes() function

Replaced with an universal asposeocr_recognize function.

asposeocr_page_abc_all_from_raw_bytes() function

Replaced with an universal asposeocr_recognize function.

asposeocr_page_rect() function

Replaced with an universal asposeocr_recognize function.

asposeocr_page_rect_from_raw_bytes() function

Replaced with an universal asposeocr_recognize function.

asposeocr_page_rect_abc() function

Replaced with an universal asposeocr_recognize function.

asposeocr_page_rect_abc_from_raw_bytes() function

Replaced with an universal asposeocr_recognize function.

Usage examples

The examples below illustrates the changes introduced in this release:

Migrating to the new API

Original code (Aspose.OCR for C++ 23.2.0 and below):

// Provide the image
string file = current_dir + "/source.png";
const size_t len = 4096;
wchar_t buffer[len] = { 0 };
// Set recognition language
RecognitionSettings settings;
settings.language_alphabet = language::eng;
// Extract text from the image
size_t result = asposeocr_page_all(file.c_str(), buffer, len, settings);
// Output the recognized text
std::wcout << buffer;

New code (Aspose.OCR for C++ 23.3.0 and above):

// Provide the image
string file = current_dir + "/source.png";
AsposeOCRInput source;
source.url = file.c_str();
std::vector<AsposeOCRInput> content = { source };
// Set recognition language
RecognitionSettings settings;
settings.language_alphabet = language::eng;
// Extract text from the image
auto result = asposeocr_recognize(, content.size(), settings);
// Output the recognized text
wchar_t* buffer = asposeocr_serialize_result(result, buffer_size, export_format::text);
std::wcout << std::wstring(buffer) << std::endl;
// Release the resources

Log errors to a file

AsposeOCRLogSettings log_settings;
log_settings.console_output_enabled = false;
log_settings.logging_level = ASPOSE_OCR_LOG_ERROR;
log_settings.output_path = "errors.log";

Track recognition progress

void progress_tracker(const AsposeOCRProgress& input)
	std::cout << "Number of images: " << input.images_amount
		<< " current image: " << input.current_image_number
		<< " current state: " << input.current_state << std::endl;

