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Aspose.OCR for .NET 21.7 - Release Notes

All Features

OCRNET-378Confidence rating of potential matchEnhancement
OCRNET-376Add new method (or parameter) that indicates the table exists on the imageEnhancement
OCRNET-375Add a method that returns a list of rectangles of all lines in the textEnhancement
OCRNET-372Make Aspose.OCR works with x64, AnyCPU, x86 architectureEnhancement


  • added new parameters in the method GetRectangles: AreasType areasType and bool isDetectAreas
  • added new property in the RecognitionSettings class that indicates the table exists on the image: LinesFiltration
  • added new property in the RecognitionResult class: RecognitionCharactersList
  • made Aspose.OCR works with x64, AnyCPU, x86 architectures
  • used compressed OCR ML model and reducing the packet size

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes


  • added method: List GetRectangles(MemoryStream image, AreasType areasType = AreasType.PARAGRAPHS, bool isDetectAreas = true)
  • added method: List GetRectangles(string fullPath, AreasType areasType = AreasType.PARAGRAPHS, bool isDetectAreas = true)
  • added enum AreasType
  • added property: List<char[]> RecognitionCharactersList { get; internal set; } to the RecognitionResult class
  • added property: bool LinesFiltration { internal get; set; } = false to the RecognitionSettings class

Removed APIs

  • List GetRectangles(MemoryStream image)
  • List GetRectangles(string fullPath)

Will be deprecated

Usage Example

using Aspose.OCR;

namespace ProgramOCR
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Get API
            AsposeOcr api = new AsposeOcr();

            // Create license
            License lic = new License();

            // Set license 

            // Get image for recognize
            string imgPath = "img.png";

             // Get bounding boxes of lines            
            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
            using (FileStream file = new FileStream(imgPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
            List<Rectangle> result = api.GetRectangles(ms, AreasType.LINES, true);

            // Get a list of possible character variants            
            RecognitionResult result = api.RecognizeImage(imgPath, new RecognitionSettings());
            foreach (var item in result.RecognitionCharactersList)
                Console.WriteLine(item[0]+": "+item[1] + " "+item[2] + " "+item[3] + " "+item[4]);