Page setup
The paper size, font, colors, and other layout settings are configured through GlobalPageSettings
object. GlobalPageSettings
object is passed as an optional parameter to the template generation methods.
Page setup
You can customize the following page layout parameters through GlobalPageSettings
Setting | Type | Default value | Description |
PaperSize |
PaperSize |
A4 (210 x 297 mm) | Physical page dimensions. See the full list of supported paper sizes below. |
FontFamily |
string |
Default system font | Font family for all texts, except for those directly overridden in the source code. For example, "Courier New" .The selected font must be installed on the system that generates the printable form! Otherwise, form generation will fail with an exception. |
FontSize |
int |
12 | Font size for all texts, except for those directly overridden in the form’s source code. |
FontStyle |
FontStyle |
Regular | Font style for all texts, except for those directly overridden in the source code. See the full list of supported font styles below. |
BubbleSize |
BubbleSize |
Normal | Size of answer bubbles, except for those directly overridden in the source code. See the full list of supported bubble sizes below. |
BubbleColor |
DrawingColor |
Black | Color of all answer bubbles in the form. See the full list of supported colors below. |
FontColor |
DrawingColor |
Black | Color of all texts in the form. See the full list of supported colors below. |
Supported paper sizes
The PaperSize
property controls the paper size of the generated form. All form elements will be re-aligned to best match the selected paper size.
Enumeration | Page dimensions (pixels) | Page dimensions (mm) | Page dimensions (inches) |
PaperSize.A4 |
2480 x 3508 | 210 x 297 | 8.3 x 11.7 |
PaperSize.Legal |
2551 x 4205 | 215.9 x 355.6 | 8.5 x 14 |
PaperSize.Letter |
2551 x 3295 | 215.9 x 279.4 | 8.5 x 11 |
PaperSize.p8519 |
2551 x 5702 | 215.9 x 482.6 | 8.5 x 19 |
PaperSize.p8521 |
2551 x 6302 | 215.9 x 533.4 | 8.5 x 21 |
PaperSize.Tabloid |
3295 x 5102 | 279 x 432 | 11 x 17 |
Supported font styles
You can use the following font styles for form texts:
Enumeration | Font face |
FontStyle.Regular |
Normal |
FontStyle.Bold |
Bold / strong |
FontStyle.Italic |
Italic / oblique |
FontStyle.Underline |
Underlined |
FontStyle.Strikeout |
Supported bubble sizes
Possible sizes of answer bubbles:
Value | Bubble size |
BubbleSize.Extrasmall |
40 pixels |
BubbleSize.Small |
50 pixels |
BubbleSize.Normal |
60 pixels |
BubbleSize.Large |
80 pixels |
BubbleSize.Extralarge |
100 pixels |
Supported colors
You can apply one of the following colors for all bubbles in the generated OMR form:
Color | Value |
DrawingColor.undefined | |
DrawingColor.AliceBlue | |
DrawingColor.AntiqueWhite | |
DrawingColor.Aqua | |
DrawingColor.Aquamarine | |
DrawingColor.Azure | |
DrawingColor.Beige | |
DrawingColor.Bisque | |
DrawingColor.Black | |
DrawingColor.BlanchedAlmond | |
DrawingColor.Blue | |
DrawingColor.BlueViolet | |
DrawingColor.Brown | |
DrawingColor.BurlyWood | |
DrawingColor.CadetBlue | |
DrawingColor.Chartreuse | |
DrawingColor.Chocolate | |
DrawingColor.Coral | |
DrawingColor.CornflowerBlue | |
DrawingColor.Cornsilk | |
DrawingColor.Crimson | |
DrawingColor.Cyan | |
DrawingColor.DarkBlue | |
DrawingColor.DarkCyan | |
DrawingColor.DarkGoldenrod | |
DrawingColor.DarkGray | |
DrawingColor.DarkGreen | |
DrawingColor.DarkKhaki | |
DrawingColor.DarkMagenta | |
DrawingColor.DarkOliveGreen | |
DrawingColor.DarkOrange | |
DrawingColor.DarkOrchid | |
DrawingColor.DarkRed | |
DrawingColor.DarkSalmon | |
DrawingColor.DarkSeaGreen | |
DrawingColor.DarkSlateBlue | |
DrawingColor.DarkSlateGray | |
DrawingColor.DarkTurquoise | |
DrawingColor.DarkViolet | |
DrawingColor.DeepPink | |
DrawingColor.DeepSkyBlue | |
DrawingColor.DimGray | |
DrawingColor.DodgerBlue | |
DrawingColor.Firebrick | |
DrawingColor.FloralWhite | |
DrawingColor.ForestGreen | |
DrawingColor.Fuchsia | |
DrawingColor.Gainsboro | |
DrawingColor.GhostWhite | |
DrawingColor.Gold | |
DrawingColor.Goldenrod | |
DrawingColor.Gray | |
DrawingColor.Green | |
DrawingColor.GreenYellow | |
DrawingColor.Honeydew | |
DrawingColor.HotPink | |
DrawingColor.IndianRed | |
DrawingColor.Indigo | |
DrawingColor.Ivory | |
DrawingColor.Khaki | |
DrawingColor.Lavender | |
DrawingColor.LavenderBlush | |
DrawingColor.LawnGreen | |
DrawingColor.LemonChiffon | |
DrawingColor.LightBlue | |
DrawingColor.LightCoral | |
DrawingColor.LightCyan | |
DrawingColor.LightGoldenrodYellow | |
DrawingColor.LightGray | |
DrawingColor.LightGreen | |
DrawingColor.LightPink | |
DrawingColor.LightSalmon | |
DrawingColor.LightSeaGreen | |
DrawingColor.LightSkyBlue | |
DrawingColor.LightSlateGray | |
DrawingColor.LightSteelBlue | |
DrawingColor.LightYellow | |
DrawingColor.Lime | |
DrawingColor.LimeGreen | |
DrawingColor.Linen | |
DrawingColor.Magenta | |
DrawingColor.Maroon | |
DrawingColor.MediumAquamarine | |
DrawingColor.MediumBlue | |
DrawingColor.MediumOrchid | |
DrawingColor.MediumPurple | |
DrawingColor.MediumSeaGreen | |
DrawingColor.MediumSlateBlue | |
DrawingColor.MediumSpringGreen | |
DrawingColor.MediumTurquoise | |
DrawingColor.MediumVioletRed | |
DrawingColor.MidnightBlue | |
DrawingColor.MintCream | |
DrawingColor.MistyRose | |
DrawingColor.Moccasin | |
DrawingColor.NavajoWhite | |
DrawingColor.Navy | |
DrawingColor.OldLace | |
DrawingColor.Olive | |
DrawingColor.OliveDrab | |
DrawingColor.Orange | |
DrawingColor.OrangeRed | |
DrawingColor.Orchid | |
DrawingColor.PaleGoldenrod | |
DrawingColor.PaleGreen | |
DrawingColor.PaleTurquoise | |
DrawingColor.PaleVioletRed | |
DrawingColor.PapayaWhip | |
DrawingColor.PeachPuff | |
DrawingColor.Peru | |
DrawingColor.Pink | |
DrawingColor.Plum | |
DrawingColor.PowderBlue | |
DrawingColor.Purple | |
DrawingColor.Red | |
DrawingColor.RosyBrown | |
DrawingColor.RoyalBlue | |
DrawingColor.SaddleBrown | |
DrawingColor.Salmon | |
DrawingColor.SandyBrown | |
DrawingColor.SeaGreen | |
DrawingColor.SeaShell | |
DrawingColor.Sienna | |
DrawingColor.Silver | |
DrawingColor.SkyBlue | |
DrawingColor.SlateBlue | |
DrawingColor.SlateGray | |
DrawingColor.Snow | |
DrawingColor.SpringGreen | |
DrawingColor.SteelBlue | |
DrawingColor.Tan | |
DrawingColor.Teal | |
DrawingColor.Thistle | |
DrawingColor.Tomato | |
DrawingColor.Turquoise | |
DrawingColor.Violet | |
DrawingColor.Wheat | |
DrawingColor.White | |
DrawingColor.WhiteSmoke | |
DrawingColor.Yellow | |
DrawingColor.YellowGreen |
OmrEngine engine = new OmrEngine();
GlobalPageSettings pageSettings = new GlobalPageSettings();
pageSettings.PaperSize = PaperSize.Tabloid;
pageSettings.BubbleSize = BubbleSize.Extralarge;
pageSettings.BubbleColor = DrawingColor.Red;
GenerationResult res = engine.generateTemplate("source.txt", pageSettings);
res.Save("target", "omr_form");