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Aspose.OMR for .NET 22.11.0 Release Notes

What was changed

OMRNET-684New text markup syntax for questions.Enhancement

Known issues and limitations

OMRNET-462Recognition of multi-page PDF and TIFF files causes an error.Scan each page of the filled form into a separate file and recognize them one-by-one.
OMRNET-555Recalculate method results in incorrect processing of ScoreGroup elements (text markup / JSON markup) and CustomAnswerSheet elements (text markup / JSON markup).Use RecognizeImage method with different threshold setting instead of run-time adjustments of recognition accuracy.
OMRNET-685Texts in ChoiceBox elements (text markup / JSON markup) are not automatically wrapped to fit the parent.Set line breaks manually to match the width of the parent element / page.

Public API changes and backwards compatibility

This section lists all public API changes introduced in Aspose.OMR for .NET 22.11 that may affect the code of existing applications.

Added public APIs:

The following public APIs have been added in this release:

New text markup syntax for questions

New syntax for question elements has been added to the text markup. It standardizes code readability, allows questions to be included in blocks (for example, into a multi-column layout), and enables customization of text style. The original question markup syntax will continue to work as before.

See Usage examples for details.

Updated public APIs:

No changes.

Removed public APIs:

No changes.

Usage examples

See the examples below to learn more about the changes introduced in this release:

New text markup syntax for questions

?choicebox=Choose the brightest star from the list:
	() Arcturus
	() Betelgeuse
	() Deneb
	() Vega