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Aspose.PDF for CPP 19.12 Release Notes

Improvements and Changes

This new version of Aspose.PDF for C++ has codebase of Aspose.PDF for .NET 19.12. The API is available for Linux platforms (Ubuntu 16.04 and later with gcc6, clang compilers).

PDFCPP-1128Try to implement Thread.Interrupt() for thread sleep modeBug
PDFCPP-1129Compile Aspose.Page under gccBug
PDFCPP-1125Aspose.Page (EPS tests) mem leaks.Bug
PDFCPP-1138Aspose.Foundation (re-tests on regressions due to fix memory leaks)Bug
PDFCPP-1100Aspose.Page (Aspose.XPS.Tests) - compilationBug
PDFCPP-1131Fix Cs2Cpp porter - lost includes on cross-referencesBug
PDFCPP-1132Fix memory leaks in Aspose.FoundationBug
PDFCPP-1103CSPorter attribute CppForceInclude modificationsBug
PDFCPP-1143Fix XmlTextWriter::WriteProcessingInstructionBug
PDFCPP-979Build Aspose.PDF for C++ library for Unix systemsBug
PDFCPP-1043Regression in RegressionTests_v19_5.PDFNET_46346Bug
PDFCPP-1058Re investigation and re-test memory leaks fixes.Bug
PDFCPP-1142Compare tests results on Linux via WindowsBug
PDFCPP-1137fix GraphicsPath::get_PathTypes for single point contoursBug
PDFCPP-1035Float2Fixed rest memory leaksBug
PDFCPP-1084Test Aspose.PDF for C++ on LinuxBug
PDFCPP-1108Aspose.Page memory leaks fixBug
PDFCPP-1102Reorganize template classes Pipiline.* in Aspose.FoundationBug
PDFCPP-1109Build XPS, EPS tests (for Aspose.Page) with for_each_member supportBug
PDFCPP-1117Cs2Cpp enhancement - rename files.Bug
PDFCPP-1118Test and fix XpsConverterTestsBug
PDFCPP-1127Aspose.Page (EPS rest cases)Bug
PDFCPP-1124Aspose.Page (XPS tests) mem leaks.Bug

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

Added APIs

  • Property Aspose.Pdf.Optimization.OptimizationOptions.SubsetFonts