Aspose.PDF for CPP 20.6 Release Notes

This new version of Aspose.PDF for C++ has codebase of Aspose.PDF for .NET 20.5 and includes improvements such as:

  • System::Xml namespace implementation was improved and extended. This includes implementing previously unsupported types and methods and establishing the basis for document signature support.
  • Javascripts in form’s fields are available now
  • Saving pdf document to TeX format has been implemented

Improvements and Changes

This new version of Aspose.PDF for C++ has codebase of Aspose.PDF for .NET 20.6. The graphic subsystem has been reworked significantly resulting in fixing of rendering issues faced by users. Image manipulation results are, hence, now closer to the equivalent .NET API.

  • Improvements and changes in this month’s release include:
  • Converting PDF document to Excel format using SaveFormat::Excel or ExcelSaveOptions
  • Loading TeX documents via TeXLoadOptions and saving them into PDF format
  • Saving PDF documents into TeX format using SaveFormat::TeX or TeXSaveOptions
  • Creating PDF document from XSLFO and PS format files
  • Fixed memory leaks while converting PDF document into PPTX and TeX formats