Add Text to PDF using Go

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To add text to existing PDF file:

  1. Open a PDF file.
  2. Add the text to the PDF document with PageAddText function.
  3. Saves the modifications to the same file.

Adding Text

The following code snippet shows you how to add text in an existing PDF file.

    package main

    import ""
    import "log"

    func main() {
        // Open(filename string) opens a PDF-document with filename
        pdf, err := asposepdf.Open("sample.pdf")
        if err != nil {
        // PageAddText(num int32, addText string) adds text on page
        err = pdf.PageAddText(1, "added text")
        if err != nil {
        // Save() saves previously opened PDF-document
        err = pdf.Save()
        if err != nil {
        // Close() releases allocated resources for PDF-document
        defer pdf.Close()