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Aspose.Pdf for Java 11.7.0 Release Notes
Features and Improvements
Key | Summary | Category |
PDFNEWJAVA-34913 | PDF to PNG - conversion process takes too much time | Enhancement |
PDFNEWJAVA-34818 | PDF to HTML - Lines width issues | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-34957 | HTML to PDF results into incorrect output | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-35583 | PDF to PDF/A_3a - Resultant file is not PDFA compliant | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-35729 | PDF to PDF/A - Resultant file is not PDFA compliant | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-34396 | HTML to PDF - Formatting issues in resultant file | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-35224 | PDF to HTML - Exception during conversion process | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-35329 | API throws NullPointerException upon page copy | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-35510 | PDF to DOC - Blank page being appended and contents in footer are missing | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-35564 | PDF to PDFA conversion throws internal Exception | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-35608 | SVG to PDF - SVG image is not appearing in PDF file | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-35641 | PDF to DOCX - Field value appears in subsequent line | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-35736 | HTMl to PDF - Exception during conversion | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-35765 | HTML to PDF: formatting issue | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-35602 | PDF to DOCX - Contents are not appearing properly | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-35776 | PDF to HTML: extra white lines on background - regression | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-34531 | Exception while loading PDF file in multiple threads | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-35257 | PDF to PDFA2a - compliance failure | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-35264 | PDF to PDFA3a - conversion fails compliance | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-35631 | HTML to PDF - Page contents are overlapping eachother | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-35822 | PDF to PDF/A - Header in Resultant file gets corrupted | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-35805 | Redaction throws NullPointer Exception | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-34859 | HTML to PDF is not working in multithreading | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-35565 | Exception during PDF printing | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-35330 | PDF to HTML: some text is missing in resultant HTML | Bug |
PDFNEWJAVA-35520 | PDF to PDFA2b: Text overlapping and spacing issue | Bug |
PDFJAVA-35948 | PDF to PDFA1b: resultant PDFA document failing the compliance | Bug |
PDFJAVA-35875 | HTML to PDF: incorrect text position | Bug |
PDFJAVA-35882 | PDF to DOCX - Tab indent is being ignored | Bug |
Public API Changes
Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.PdfAction: moved method:
- public void execute(IDocument document)
Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.ExplicitDestination: moved method:
- com.aspose.pdf.ExplicitDestination.createDestination(com.aspose.pdf.Document,int,int,double[])
Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.XYZExplicitDestination: added methods:
- public static XYZExplicitDestination createDestination(Page page, double left, double top, double zoom, boolean considerRotation)
- public static XYZExplicitDestination createDestinationToUpperLeftCorner(Page page, double zoom)
- public static XYZExplicitDestination createDestinationToUpperLeftCorner(Page page)
Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.ColumnAdjustment: added field:
- public static final int AutoFitToWindow = 2;
Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.Document: added method:
- public boolean convert(String outputLogFileName, /* PdfFormat /int format, / ConvertErrorAction /int action, / ConvertTransparencyAction */int transparencyAction)
Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.PdfFileStamp: added methods:
- public /* NumberingStyle */int getNumberingStyle()
- public void setNumberingStyle(/* NumberingStyle */int value)
Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.HtmlSaveOptions: added methods:
- public boolean getUseZOrder()
- public void setUseZOrder(boolean value)
- public boolean getConvertMarkedContentToLayers()
- public void setConvertMarkedContentToLayers(boolean value)
- public float getMinimalLineWidth()
- public void setMinimalLineWidth(float value)
- public boolean getPreventGlyphsGrouping()
- public void setPreventGlyphsGrouping(boolean value)
Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.LaTeXSaveOptions: added methods:
- public int getPagesCount()
- public void setPagesCount(int value)
Added new class com.aspose.pdf.PdfFormatConversionOptions with the following structure:
- internal enum class PuaProcessingStrategy with constants (None = 0; SurroundPuaTextWithEmptyActualText = 1;SubstitutePuaSymbols = 2; )
- internal enum class SegmentAlignStrategy with constants (None = 0; RestoreSegmentBounds = 1; )
- public PdfFormatConversionOptions(/* PdfFormat */int format)
- public PdfFormatConversionOptions(/* PdfFormat /int format, / ConvertErrorAction */int action)
- public PdfFormatConversionOptions(OutputStream outputLogStream, /* PdfFormat /int format, / ConvertErrorAction */int action)
- public PdfFormatConversionOptions(String outputLogFileName, /* PdfFormat */int format)
- public PdfFormatConversionOptions(String outputLogFileName, /* PdfFormat /int format, / ConvertErrorAction */int action)
- public PdfFormatConversionOptions(String outputLogFileName, /* PdfFormat /int format, / ConvertErrorAction /int action, / ConvertTransparencyAction*/int transparencyAction)
- public boolean getAlignText()
- public void setAlignText(boolean value)
- public /* ConvertErrorAction */int getErrorAction()
- public void setErrorAction(/* ConvertErrorAction */int value)
- public /* PdfFormat */int getFormat()
- public void setFormat(/* PdfFormat */int value)
- public String getLogFileName()
- public void setLogFileName(String value)
- public OutputStream getLogStream()
- public void setLogStream(OutputStream value)
- public /* PuaProcessingStrategy */int getPuaTextProcessingStrategy()
- public void setPuaTextProcessingStrategy(/* PuaProcessingStrategy */int value)
- public /* ConvertTransparencyAction */int getTransparencyAction()
- public void setTransparencyAction(/* ConvertTransparencyAction */int value)
- public static PdfFormatConversionOptions getDefault()
- public /* SegmentAlignStrategy */byte AlignStrategy;