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Aspose.Pdf for Java 11.8.0 Release Notes

Features and Improvements

PDFNEWJAVA-35092PDF to HTML - Contents missing and wrong background colorBug
PDFNEWJAVA-35637PDF to PDF/A - Image starts appearing on top of page titleBug
PDFNEWJAVA-33957Error opening readonly PDFBug
PDFNEWJAVA-34629PDF to Doc: Redundant tab character before a last bullet itemBug
PDFNEWJAVA-34757PDF to Doc: Redundant characters after bullet itemsBug
PDFNEWJAVA-35835setKeptWithNext is not working as expectedBug
PDFNEWJAVA-35582PDF to PDF/A_3a - Resultant file is not PDF/A compliantBug
PDFNEWJAVA-35634PDF to PDF/A - Text formatting is lost and contents are missingBug
PDFNEWJAVA-35635PDF to PDF/A - Logo orientation is changed and background information is lostBug
PDFNEWJAVA-35636PDF to PDF/A - Background becomes blackBug
PDFNEWJAVA-35699PDF to PDFA conversion duplicates background imageBug
PDFNEWJAVA-35852PDF to PDF/A - Issue with imagesBug
PDFNEWJAVA-35817PdfPrinterSettings crash on iSeries (Java)Bug
PDFNEWJAVA-34262Concatenation: Bookmarks are not being copied to Merged DocumentBug
PDFJAVA-35884PDF to PDF/A - Resultant file is not TaggedBug

Public API Changes

Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.XFA: added method:

  • public HashMap<String, String> getFieldsWithTextValuesMap()

Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.PdfFormatConversionOptions: added methods:

  • public boolean isLowMemoryMode()
  • public void setLowMemoryMode(boolean value)

Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.FontSubstitution: added method:

  • public FontDefinition getSubstitutionFontDefinition()