Aspose.Pdf for Java 17.10 Release Notes

Features and Improvements

PDFJAVA-34776PDF to Image conversion is very slowEnhancement
PDFJAVA-36570PDF TO PPTX - spacing issueBug
PDFJAVA-36260PDF to PDF/A_1b - Text is garbled in resultant fileBug
PDFJAVA-36435PDF to pptx (java) conversion issuesBug
PDFJAVA-37099Too much memory usage when calling delegate CallBackGetHocrBug
PDFJAVA-37154An exception has thrown in a multithreaded environmentBug
PDFJAVA-36847Foreign Language Characters get mangled while Text Extraction using HOCRBug
PDFJAVA-37068Unable to supply the license outside of the callableBug
PDFJAVA-36819PDF to DOCX - Content is missing in the resultant fileBug

Public API changes

Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.ViewerPreference Added field: public static final int SIMPLEX = 4194304; public static final int DUPLEX_FLIP_SHORT_EDGE = 8388608; public static final int DUPLEX_FLIP_LONG_EDGE = 16777216;

Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.Form Added method: public void setCalculatedFields( java.util.List value)

Changes in interface com.aspose.pdf.IDocument Added method: public /* PrintDuplex /int getDuplex(); public void setDuplex(/ PrintDuplex */int value); public boolean convert(Document.CallBackGetHocr callback, boolean isTestVisible, boolean isOriginalImage);

Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.Document Added method: public /* PrintDuplex /int getDuplex() public void setDuplex(/ PrintDuplex */int value) public boolean convert(Document.CallBackGetHocr callback, boolean isTestVisible, boolean isOriginalImage)

Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.Image Added method: public boolean isApplyResolution() public void setApplyResolution(boolean value)

Added new enum class com.aspose.pdf.PrintDuplex with the following fields: public static final int Simplex = 0; public static final int DuplexFlipShortEdge = 1; public static final int DuplexFlipLongEdge = 2;

Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.XFA Added method: public String tryGetTemplateString(String value)