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Aspose.Pdf for Java 17.5 Release Notes
Features and Improvements
Key | Summary | Category |
PDFJAVA-36696 | Support RichMediaAnnotation | New Feature |
PDFJAVA-34399 | Check compatibility of Aspose.PDF for Java with Grails | Bug |
PDFJAVA-34733 | Multi-page tiff to PDF with portrait orientation loses fidelity | Bug |
PDFJAVA-34819 | PDF to HTML - Space and positioning issues | Bug |
PDFJAVA-34860 | PDF to HTML conversion loses the text | Bug |
PDFJAVA-34862 | PDF to HTML: TOC links are lost in output HTML | Bug |
PDFJAVA-34926 | Support of Docker platform | Bug |
PDFJAVA-34933 | Support of Oracle Agile Product Lifecycle Management application | Bug |
PDFJAVA-35416 | License not working with Apache server | Bug |
PDFJAVA-35562 | Image to PDF - Image output is not correct in PDF | Bug |
PDFJAVA-35579 | PDF to HTML results into incorrect text | Bug |
PDFJAVA-35607 | PDF creation process keeps running and never stops | Bug |
PDFJAVA-35748 | PDF to PDFA1B: compliance failure due to transparency in the document | Bug |
PDFJAVA-35788 | PDF to PDF/A - Resultant file is not compliant | Bug |
PDFJAVA-35814 | PDF to Image conversion loses the text | Bug |
PDFJAVA-36325 | HighlightAnnotation background color issue with QuadPoint array | Bug |
PDFJAVA-36578 | PDF to Image hangs for ever | Bug |
PDFJAVA-36669 | Text appearing on wrong location after placing inside PDF | Bug |
PDFJAVA-36685 | Highlight Annotation background color Problem | Bug |
PDFJAVA-36708 | PDFA gets corrupted when setOptimizeFileSize is used | Bug |
PDFJAVA-36727 | Aspose.PDF 17.4 exception throws when getting character by index | Bug |
PDFJAVA-36728 | HTML to PDF - Ambiguous mismatch exception | Bug |
PDFJAVA-36785 | getMeasure() method is missing in PolyAnnotation class | Bug |
PDFJAVA-36621 | When PDF is converted to PDFA, the word in text is messed up. | Bug |
PDFJAVA-36387 | PDF to PDFA: decrease in quality of transparent images | Bug |
Public API Changes in Aspose.PDF for Java 17.5
Added new class com.aspose.pdf.Document.FontSubsetStrategy with the following fields:
public static final byte SubsetEmbeddedFontsOnly = 0; public static final byte SubsetAllFonts = 1;
Added new interface com.aspose.pdf.Document.IDocumentFontUtilities with the following method:
public void subsetFonts(/* FontSubsetStrategy */byte subsetStrategy);
Added new exception class com.aspose.pdf.exceptions.IncorrectCMapUsageException with the following constructor:
Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.exceptions.PdfException:
Added constructor: public PdfException(String message, java.lang.Throwable innerException)
Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.facades.PdfViewer:
Added methods: public boolean getPrintAsGrayscale() public void setPrintAsGrayscale(boolean value)
Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.Font:
Added method: public String getType()
Added new class com.aspose.pdf.Opi with the following methods:
public Opi(XForm xform) public String getFileSpecification() public double[] getPosition() public String getVersion()
Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.Page:
**Added method: **public boolean isBlank(double fillThresholdFactor)
Added new class com.aspose.pdf.PdfASymbolicFontEncodingStrategy with the following methods:
public PdfASymbolicFontEncodingStrategy()
public PdfASymbolicFontEncodingStrategy(/* CMapEncodingTableType /short preferredEncodingTable)
public/ CMapEncodingTableType /short getPreferredCmapEncodingTable()
public void setCmapEncodingTablesPriorityQueue(Queue
Added new class com.aspose.pdf.PdfASymbolicFontEncodingStrategy.QueueItem with the following methods:
public QueueItem() public QueueItem(int platformID, int platformSpecificID) public QueueItem(/* CMapEncodingTableType /short cmapTable) public / CMapEncodingTableType / short getCMapEncodingTable() public void setCMapEncodingTable(/ MapEncodingTableType */short value) public int getPlatformID() public void setPlatformID(int value) public int getPlatformSpecificID() public void setPlatformSpecificID(int value)
Added new enum class com.aspose.pdf.PdfASymbolicFontEncodingStrategy.QueueItem.CMapEncodingTableType with the following fields:
public static final short WindowsUnicodeTable = 0; public static final short WindowsSymbolicTable = 1; public static final short MacTable = 2; public static final short UnicodeTable = 3;
Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.PolyAnnotation:
**Added methods: **public Measure getMeasure() public void setMeasure(Measure value)
Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.Rectangle:
**Added method: **public Rectangle join(Rectangle otherRect)
Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.TextFragmentState:
**Added methods: **public TextFormattingOptions getFormattingOptions() public void setFormattingOptions(TextFormattingOptions value) public double getRotation() public void setRotation(double value)
Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.TextParagraph:
**Added methods: **public double getRotation() public void setRotation(double value)
Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.XForm:
Added method: public Opi getOpi()