Aspose.Pdf for Java 17.6 Release Notes

Features and Improvements

PDFJAVA-34858Get height of table in existing PDF fileNew Feature
PDFJAVA-36326LineAnnotation and PolyLineAnnotation measurement recalculation upon resizeBug
PDFJAVA-36469Not able to create bulleted list in headingBug
PDFJAVA-36709When PDF is converted to PDF_A_1B, output file is still classic PDFBug
PDFJAVA-34305Hindi text replacement results into incorrect textBug
PDFJAVA-35749PDF to PDF/A - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException during conversionBug
PDFJAVA-35750PDF to PDF/A - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException during conversionBug
PDFJAVA-35751PDF to PDF/A - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException during conversionBug
PDFJAVA-35752PDF to PDF/A - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException during conversionBug
PDFJAVA-35753PDF to PDF/A - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException during conversionBug
PDFJAVA-35759PDF to PDF/A - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException during conversionBug
PDFJAVA-35756PDF to PDF/A - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException during conversionBug
PDFJAVA-35755PDF to PDF/A - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException during conversionBug
PDFJAVA-35754PDF to PDF/A - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException during conversionBug
PDFJAVA-35757PDF to PDF/A - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException during conversionBug
PDFJAVA-35758PDF to PDF/A - StringIndexOutOfBoundsException during conversionBug
PDFJAVA-35970Default padding for HtmlFragment in Table cellBug
PDFJAVA-35275PDF to DOCX - Formatting issues in resultant fileBug
PDFJAVA-36668HTML to PDF - Ambiguous match foundBug
PDFJAVA-34412PCL to PDF: Some text is absentBug

Public API Changes in Aspose.PDF for Java 17.6

Added new class com.aspose.pdf.ToUnicodeProcessingRules with the following methods:

public ToUnicodeProcessingRules() public ToUnicodeProcessingRules(boolean removeSpaces) public ToUnicodeProcessingRules(boolean removeSpaces, boolean mapNonLinkedUnicodesOnSpace) public boolean getRemoveSpacesFromCMapNames() public void setRemoveSpacesFromCMapNames(boolean value) public boolean getMapNonLinkedSymbolsOnSpace() public void setMapNonLinkedSymbolsOnSpace(boolean value)

Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.PdfFormatConversionOptions:

Added methods: public ToUnicodeProcessingRules getUnicodeProcessingRules() public void setUnicodeProcessingRules(ToUnicodeProcessingRules value)

Added new enum class com.aspose.pdf.TextFormattingOptions.LineSpacingMode with the following constants:

public static final int FontSize = 0; public static final int FullSize = 1;

Changes in class com.aspose.pdf.TextFormattingOptions:

Added methods: public /* LineSpacingMode /int getLineSpacing() public void setLineSpacing(/ LineSpacingMode */int value)