Aspose.PDF for Java 22.11 Release Notes

Improvements and Changes

PDFJAVA-42278Add balanced tree instead of a flat list for page tree nodesEnhancement
PDFJAVA-41956Linearizing PDF: PDFTron and qpdf show linearization issuesBug
PDFJAVA-42255PNG to PDF: blank outputBug
PDFJAVA-42118Regression: Image with size 5MB does not insert into PDFBug
PDFJAVA-42194Image does not insert into PDFBug
PDFJAVA-42181PDF to Excel: Row heights are incorrectBug
PDFJAVA-42021PDF to Excel: Some text is duplicatesBug
PDFJAVA-42064PDF to Docx: Extra column is appearingBug
PDFJAVA-42150PDF to Docx: Whitespace is absentBug
PDFJAVA-42212PDF to DOCX: Text line jump to another column in multi-column documentBug
PDFJAVA-42049PDF to XLSX : Some table borders are lostBug
PDFJAVA-42161PDF to DOCX: Distance between columns is too bigBug
PDFJAVA-42028PDF to DOCX: Extra whitespaces ResolvedBug
PDFJAVA-42270PDF to Excel: Cells are merged incorrectlyBug
PDFJAVA-42272PDF to Excel: Cells are movedBug
PDFJAVA-42251PDF to Docx: NullPointerException in Enhanced Flow modeBug
PDFJAVA-42241PDF to XLSX: Image is not preservedBug
PDFJAVA-42240PDF to XLSX: Background color of table title is not detectedBug
PDFJAVA-42239PDF to DOCX: Line spacing is incorrectBug
PDFJAVA-42100PDF to DOCX: Text lines in a wrong order in multi-column pageBug
PDFJAVA-41873PDF to DOCX: multi-columns are not recognizedBug
PDFJAVA-42153PDF to DOCX: Extra page breaks after some tablesBug
PDFJAVA-42254PDF to JPEG: Paragraphs and images not renderedBug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

Added new methods:

  • com.aspose.pdf.Document.pageNodesToBalancedTree()
  • com.aspose.pdf.Document.pageNodesToBalancedTree(byte)
  • com.aspose.pdf.facades.FormattedText.isCjk()
  • com.aspose.pdf.facades.FormattedText.setCjkFontStyle()

Added new TextFormattingMode element:

  • com.aspose.pdf.TextExtractionOptions.TextFormattingMode.Flatten = 2