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Aspose.PDF for Java 22.7 Release Notes

Improvements and Changes

PDFJAVA-38918PDF to XSLX: Save text in superscript to ExcelEnhancement
PDFJAVA-41601Saving to a stream in ColdfusionEnhancement
PDFJAVA-41530PDF to PNG - java.lang.NullPointerExceptionBug
PDFJAVA-41748PDF to TIFF: Killed/ Stale file handleBug
PDFJAVA-41659XMP Date metadata is in wrong format (12-hour clock) after saving documentBug
PDFJAVA-41510Text get cut off when added to TOCBug
PDFJAVA-41793Check and update Aspose.PDF Creator value to Aspose Pty Ltd.Bug
PDFJAVA-41060Provide a BOM maven fileBug
PDFJAVA-41545Investigate CVE-2019-5032 vulnerabilityBug
PDFJAVA-41831PDF to DOCX: Duplicate whitespaces when using EnhancedFlow modeBug
PDFJAVA-41837PDF to ODS: Some text is invisibleBug
PDFJAVA-41843PDF to ODS: Extra cell bordersBug
PDFJAVA-41788PDF to Word - Whitespace is missing in EnhancedFlow modeBug
PDFJAVA-41789PDF to DOCX: Whitespace is missingBug
PDFJAVA-41751PDF to Word - Header is messed up when using EnhancedFlow modeBug
PDFJAVA-41751PDF to Word - Header is messed up when using EnhancedFlow modeBug
PDFJAVA-41746PDF to DOCX: Border is absentBug
PDFJAVA-41662PDF to DOCX: Extra lineBug
PDFJAVA-41692PDF to Excel: Cells should be mergedBug
PDFJAVA-39256PDF file not properly converted to XSLXBug
PDFJAVA-40671Blank image is being generated after PDF to JPG ConversionBug
PDFJAVA-39718The result of PDF to PNG conversion is the white outputBug
PDFJAVA-39581PDF to JPG - Blank images are being generatedBug
PDFJAVA-41752PDF to Word - Incorrect underline when using EnhancedFlow modeBug
PDFJAVA-41454PDF to JPG - Output is blankBug
PDFJAVA-41745PDF to Excel: Alignment is incorrectBug
PDFJAVA-41737Some values are not visible with default zoom levelBug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

Added new methods:

  • com.aspose.pdf.devices.TiffSettings.isUseAlternativeImageEngine()
  • com.aspose.pdf.devices.TiffSettings.setUseAlternativeImageEngine(boolean)
  • com.aspose.pdf.Table.getHeight(Page)