Aspose.PDF for Java 23.4 Release Notes

Improvements and Changes

PDFJAVA-42609PDF to XLSX: Date and time in footer should be right alignedBug
PDFJAVA-42646PDF to Excel: Text is cut offBug
PDFJAVA-42614PDF to Excel: Extra border appearsBug
PDFJAVA-42623PDF to Word: Color of numbered mark is not preservedBug
PDFJAVA-42460PDF to XLSX: Discrepancies in Aspose and Adobe outputsBug
PDFJAVA-42725PDF to Excel: Cells shifted leftBug
PDFJAVA-42651PDF to DOCX: Left border of a table is absentBug
PDFJAVA-42669PDF to DOCX: One column instead of twoBug
PDFJAVA-42668PDF to DOCX: Text alignments in titles are incorrectBug
PDFJAVA-42620PDF to DOCX: Table column is absentBug
PDFJAVA-42653PDF to DOCX: Text is shiftedBug
PDFJAVA-41785Document fails to convert to PDFa when low memory conversion mode is enabledBug
PDFJAVA-41783Fonts not embedded and error after conversion to PDFaBug
PDFJAVA-42688Why Aspose.HTML classes are accessible through Aspose.PDF package?Bug
PDFJAVA-41358Aspose.Pdf 22.1: Saving to Word document with image issueBug
PDFJAVA-41105Regression: TextFragmentAbsorber ignores rectangle region set in TextSearchOptionsBug
PDFJAVA-42625When saving document to Jpeg the result image is incorrectBug
PDFJAVA-42649Missing text upon convertion PDF to PDF/ABug
PDFJAVA-42412Indentation inconsistent when adding TOCBug

Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes

Added new class:

  • com.aspose.pdf.FlowConverter

Added new constructor:

  • com.aspose.pdf.groupprocessor.cmap.ToUnicodeReader.#ctor(ToUnicodeReader)

Added new methods:

  • com.aspose.pdf.XpsSaveOptions.isUseNewImagingEngine()
  • com.aspose.pdf.XpsSaveOptions.setUseNewImagingEngine(boolean)