Aspose.PDF for Java 23.6 Release Notes

Improvements and Changes

PDFJAVA-42909Add the ability to set the title of the HTML, Epub pageFeature
PDFJAVA-42910Provide an API for positioning vector graphics.Feature
PDFJAVA-42911How to remove Combobox optionsEnhancement
PDFJAVA-39537slow conversion to PDF/AEnhancement
PDFJAVA-42627Aspose pdf for Java fails to word-wrap replaced textEnhancement
PDFJAVA-42818PDF to ODS: Saving table border widthsEnhancement
PDFJAVA-42759PDF to XLSX: Recognition of double linesEnhancement
PDFJAVA-42759PDF to XLSX: Recognition of double linesEnhancement
PDFJAVA-41363PDF page to PNG generates incorrect outputBug
PDFJAVA-40171PDF to DOCX - some letters are missing in output fileBug
PDFJAVA-41510Text get cut off when added to TOCBug
PDFJAVA-34872PDF to PDFA2a: Converting PDF, generated from Aspose.Slides, to PDFA2a fails the complianceBug
PDFJAVA-42606PDF to XLSX: The double underline is missingBug
PDFJAVA-41653PDF to DOCX: Underline style is not recognizedBug
PDFJAVA-42884TableAbsorber: The table is divided into multiple tablesBug
PDFJAVA-34873PDF to PDFA3b: Converting PDF, generated from Aspose.Slides, to PDFA3b fails the complianceBug
PDFJAVA-34869PDF to PDFA2b: Converting PDF, generated from Aspose.Slides, to PDFA2b fails the complianceBug
PDFJAVA-42893PDF to XLSX: Cells are shifted leftBug
PDFJAVA-42303PDF to Excel: Underline is lostBug

Public API and Backwards In- compatible Changes

Added new class:

  • com.aspose.pdf.vector.SubPath
  • com.aspose.pdf.vector.SubPathCollection
  • com.aspose.pdf.vector.VectorGraphicsAbsorber

Added new methods:

  • com.aspose.pdf.ChoiceField.setOptions(List< String >)
  • com.aspose.pdf.EpubSaveOptions.getTitle()
  • com.aspose.pdf.EpubSaveOptions.setTitle(String)
  • com.aspose.pdf.OptionCollection.clear()

Added new field:

  • com.aspose.pdf.Rotation.on360