Migrating your code to Aspose.PDF for Java 2.5.0


With the release of Aspose.PDF for Java 2.5.0, there have been lots of changes in the API structure and class es construction. M ost of the class member’s names are updated, some existing class members are removed and also few more methods and properties are added to existing classes. Just to give you a brief of changes, we a re going to have a look over the following simple code , based over Aspose.PDF for Java versions published earlier to 2.5.0.

In this simple code, we will add a hyperlink and link to the page within the same PDF document.

import com.aspose.pdf.elements.*;
com.aspose.pdf.License lic = new com.aspose.pdf.License();

try {

lic.setLicense(new FileInputStream(new File("Aspose.Total.Java.lic")));

    } catch (Exception e)




//Instantiate a Pdf object by calling its empty constructor

Pdf pdf1 = new Pdf();

//Create a section in the Pdf object

Section sec1 = pdf1.getSections().add();

//Create text paragraph with the reference of a section

Text text1 = new Text(sec1);

//Add the text paragraph in the paragraphs collection of the section


//Add a text segment in the text paragraph

Segment segment1 = text1.getSegments().add("this is a local link");

//Set the text in the text segment to be underlined


//Set the link type of the text segment to Local

//Assign the id of the desired paragraph as a target id for the text segment

segment1.setHyperLink(new HyperLinkToLocalPdf("product1"));

//Create a text paragraph to be linked with the text segment

Text text3 = new Text(sec1,"product 1 info ...");

//Add the text paragraph to paragraphs collection of the section


//Set this paragraph to be the first so that it can be displayed in a separate

//page in the document


//Set the id of this text segment to "product1"


// save the PDF file

FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(new File("UpdateOfCode_Test.pdf"));


When using the versions earlier to Aspose.PDF for Java 2.5.0, the code can successfully be executed and a resultant PDF document containing a hyperlink towards a page within the same document , can be generated. But, when the same code is compiled with 2.5.0 , you will notice number of errors because , there ha ve been change s in the class members and also some of the methods in classes have been removed . Now let ’ s start with the modification of code for version 2.5.0

Use import aspose.pdf.* ; instead of import com.aspose.pdf.elements.*; to include the package.

For license initialization, please update your existing code from 


TextInfo does not contain a method setUnderLine(…) anymore. Please try using TextInfo.setIsUnderline(…) ** instead .

The class named  HyperLinkToLocalPdf has been removed. So please update your any existing code like


The method name setFirstParagraph is removed from Text class . So in order to display the text segment in new page, you need to create a new Section object and add the text object to the newly created section. As b y default every section is displayed over new page, so there is no need for calling a method like sec2.setIsNewPage(true)**;

Updated Save method

The save method in Pdf class which used to take FileOutputStream object as an argument, has been removed. In new version, you can use either of the following overloaded method s of save.

  • save(BasicStream stream)
  • save(java.lang.String pdfFile)
  • save(java.lang.String fileName, SaveType saveType, aspose.pdf.HttpResponse response)

After making all above specified changes, when using Aspose.PDF for Java 2.5.0 , the code will be compiled and executed without showing any error message s. The complete update d code snippet is specified below.

import aspose.pdf.*;
aspose.pdf.License lic = new aspose.pdf.License();

try {

lic.setLicense(new FileInputStream(new File("Aspose.Total.Java.lic")));

    } catch (Exception e)




try {

//Instantiate a Pdf object by calling its empty constructor

Pdf pdf1 = new Pdf();

//Create a section in the Pdf object

Section sec1 = pdf1.getSections().add();

//Create text paragraph with the reference of a section

Text text1 = new Text(sec1);

//Add the text paragraph in the paragraphs collection of the section


//Add a text segment in the text paragraph

Segment segment1 = text1.getSegments().add("this is a local link");

//Set the text in the text segment to be underlined


//Set the link type of the text segment to Local

//Assign the id of the desired paragraph as a target id for the text segment



// add a new section which will hold the text object with ID "Product 1"

Section sec2 = pdf1.getSections().add();

//Create a text paragraph to be linked with the text segment

Text text3 = new Text(sec1,"product 1 info ...");

//Add the text paragraph to paragraphs collection of the section


//Set the id of this text segment to "product1"


// save the PDF file


     }catch(Exception e)





In above topic we have explained some of the classes and methods that have been changed in new release. For a complete list of all the classes and their members, please visit Aspose.PDF for Java API Reference

To learn more about Aspose and its products, please click here http://www.aspose.com/