Optimize PDF using Aspose.PDF for JavaScript via C++
Optimize PDF Document
Toolkit by Aspose.PDF for JavaScript via C++ allows you to optimize a PDF content for the Web.
Optimization, or linearization for Web, refers to the process of making a PDF file suitable for online browsing using a web browser. To optimize a file for web display:
- Select a PDF file for optimizing.
- Create a ‘FileReader’.
- The AsposePdfOptimize function is executed.
- The name of the resulting file is set, in this example “ResultOptimize.pdf”.
- Next, if the ‘json.errorCode’ is 0, then your DownloadFile is given the name you specified earlier. If the ‘json.errorCode’ parameter is not equal to 0 and, accordingly, there will be an error in your file, then information about such an error will be contained in the ‘json.errorText’ file.
- As a result, the DownloadFile function generates a link and allows you to download the resulting file to the user’s operating system.
The following code snippet shows how to optimize a PDF document.
var ffileOptimize = function (e) {
const file_reader = new FileReader();
file_reader.onload = (event) => {
/*optimize a PDF-file and save the "ResultOptimize.pdf"*/
const json = AsposePdfOptimize(event.target.result, e.target.files[0].name, "ResultOptimize.pdf");
if (json.errorCode == 0) document.getElementById('output').textContent = json.fileNameResult;
else document.getElementById('output').textContent = json.errorText;
/*make a link to download the result file*/
DownloadFile(json.fileNameResult, "application/pdf");
Using Web Workers
/*Create Web Worker*/
const AsposePDFWebWorker = new Worker("AsposePDFforJS.js");
AsposePDFWebWorker.onerror = evt => console.log(`Error from Web Worker: ${evt.message}`);
AsposePDFWebWorker.onmessage = evt => document.getElementById('output').textContent =
(evt.data == 'ready') ? 'loaded!' :
(evt.data.json.errorCode == 0) ?
`Result:\n${DownloadFile(evt.data.json.fileNameResult, "application/pdf", evt.data.params[0])}` :
`Error: ${evt.data.json.errorText}`;
/*Event handler*/
const ffileOptimize = e => {
const file_reader = new FileReader();
file_reader.onload = event => {
/*Optimize a PDF-file and save the "ResultOptimize.pdf" - Ask Web Worker*/
{ "operation": 'AsposePdfOptimize', "params": [event.target.result, e.target.files[0].name, "ResultOptimize.pdf"] },
/*Make a link to download the result file*/
const DownloadFile = (filename, mime, content) => {
mime = mime || "application/octet-stream";
var link = document.createElement("a");
link.href = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([content], {type: mime}));
link.download = filename;
link.innerHTML = "Click here to download the file " + filename;
return filename;