Aspose.PDF for .NET 11.8.0

Improvements and Changes

PDFNEWNET-37115PDF to PDF/A - Replace missing Font with alternative FontEnhancement
PDFNEWNET-40563Unable to add page to PDF fileException
PDFNEWNET-40552PDF to PDF/A - Exception during conversionException
PDFNEWNET-40275PDF to PDF/A - Exception during conversionException
PDFNEWNET-38460Exception while converting XFA pdf to a standard PDFException
PDFNEWNET-36244NullReferenceException during XFA to Standard Acro form conversionException
PDFNEWNET-40694API throws NullReference Exception on loading PDF documentException
PDFNEWNET-40566Large PDF to PDFA throws OutOfMemory ExceptionException
PDFNEWNET-40229NullReferenceException while redacting second occurrence of text on same pageException
PDFNEWNET-39277InvalidCastException when trying to convert PDF 1.3 document with Aspose.PDF 10.7Exception
PDFNEWNET-40792API throws System Exception upon loading PDF document in 11.6.0Exception
PDFNEWNET-40791API throws System Exception upon loading PDF document in 11.6.0Exception
PDFNEWNET-40790API throws System Exception upon loading PDF document in 11.6.0Exception
PDFNEWNET-40789API throws System Exception upon loading PDF document in 11.6.0Exception
PDFNEWNET-40362PDF to PDFA problem with transparent images after conversionBug
PDFNEWNET-40772EPUB to PDF conversion throws the operation not supported errorBug
PDFNEWNET-40686Regression: Document fonts changed on saveBug
PDFNEWNET-40677Flatten method results a corrupt PDF with 11.5.0Bug
PDFNEWNET-38420PDF to Doc: Redundant characters before and after bullet itemsBug
PDFNEWNET-40581XSL-FO to PDF - Resultant file has formatting issuesBug
PDFNEWNET-35275Issue in converting PDF to HTMLBug
PDFNEWNET-40862PDF to PDF/A - Issue with imagesBug
PDFNEWNET-40528PDF to PDFA conversion duplicates background imageBug
PDFNEWNET-40405HTML to PDF - Page contents are overlapping each-otherBug
PDFNEWNET-40363Saving Nested table hangs on save()Bug
PDFNEWNET-38952PCL to PDF: incorrect output is generatedBug
PDFNEWNET-40682PDF to PDF/A - Contents are overlapping in resultant fileBug
PDFNEWNET-40532PDF to PDF/A_3b - Image changes position and size gets increasedBug
PDFNEWNET-40361PDF to PDFA - Characters overlap in resultant fileBug
PDFNEWNET-39443PDF to PDF/A - Unable to access conversion log information saved in StreamBug
PDFNEWNET-38831Intellisense is not working for package from NuGet repositoryBug
PDFNET-41025Concatenating more than 38 occurrences of same PDF, corrupts outputBug
PDFNEWNET-40636PDF to PDFA: text is corrupted in resultant PDFBug
PDFNEWNET-40629Incorrect destination page of TOC entriesBug
PDFNEWNET-40432PDF to PDFA1b: resultant document is not PDFA1b compliantBug
PDFNEWNET-40403TOC on multiple page loses some contentsBug
PDFNEWNET-40392PDF to PDFA: text is overlapping in the resultant PDFA documentBug
PDFNEWNET-40343PDF to HTML: RemoveEmptyAreasOnTopAndBottom property
is not working as expected
PDFNEWNET-40248PDF to JPEG conversion: first page is rendered into black imageBug
PDFNEWNET-40081PDF to PDFA3b: compliance failure due to Annotation not set to printBug
PDFNEWNET-39965HTML to PDF: Circle in HTML is rendering as rounded corner rectangleBug
PDFNEWNET-39669PDF to PDFA: background of an area changes to blackBug
PDFNEWNET-39561API stalls forever while editing PDF formBug
PDFNEWNET-39415PDF to HTML: text is missing in resultant HTMLBug
PDFNEWNET-39374HTML to PDF stalls foreverBug
PDFNEWNET-39326PDF to HTML: incorrect conversion of textBug
PDFNEWNET-38917PDF to XPS:“h” letter is being replaced with “e”Bug
PDFNEWNET-38885Text space missing when converting a pdf file to pdfaBug
PDFNEWNET-38337A large header overlaps to body textBug
PDFNEWNET-38335HTML to PDF: Adding HtmlFragment in Header is mirrored to bottom of pageBug
PDFNEWNET-35720PDF to XPS: Chinese characters are not being rendered correctlyBug
PDFNEWNET-40816IsKeptWithNext is not working if next paragraph is a tableBug
PDFNEWNET-40700PDF to PDF/A - Text formatting is lost and contents are missingBug
PDFNEWNET-40698PDF to PDF/A - Image starts appearing on top of page titleBug
PDFNEWNET-40497PDF to PDF/A - Background becomes blackBug
PDFNEWNET-40323PDF to PDF/A_3a - Resultant file is not PDF/A compliantBug
PDFNEWNET-39951XFA to Standard form: Font size and style are incorrectBug
PDFNEWNET-39722PDF to HTML - Wrong background imageBug
PDFNEWNET-38827EPUB to Image: Output image is emptyBug
PDFNEWNET-38129PCL to PDF: multiple pages are overlapping in output PDFBug

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

We have introduced following API changes in this release and the major change includes movement of all classes/enumerations from Aspose.PDF.Text.TextOptions. namespace to Aspose.PDF.Text.

  • Class Aspose.PDF.Text.TextOptions.TextEditOptions was moved to Aspose.PDF.Text.TextEditOptions
  • Class Aspose.PDF.Text.TextOptions.TextEditOptions.FontReplace was moved to Aspose.PDF.Text.TextEditOptions.FontReplace
  • Class Aspose.PDF.Text.TextOptions.TextEditOptions.LanguageTransformation was moved to Aspose.PDF.Text.TextEditOptions.LanguageTransformation
  • Class Aspose.PDF.Text.TextOptions.TextEditOptions.NoCharacterAction was moved to Aspose.PDF.Text.TextEditOptions.NoCharacterAction
  • Class Aspose.PDF.Text.TextOptions.TextExtractionOptions was moved to Aspose.PDF.Text.TextExtractionOptions
  • Class Aspose.PDF.Text.TextOptions.TextFormattingOptions was moved to Aspose.PDF.Text.TextFormattingOptions
  • Class Aspose.PDF.Text.TextOptions.TextFormattingOptions.WordWrapMode was moved to Aspose.PDF.Text.TextFormattingOptions.WordWrapMode
  • Class Aspose.PDF.Text.TextOptions.TextOptions* was moved to Aspose.PDF.Text.TextOptions
  • Class Aspose.PDF.Text.TextOptions.TextReplaceOptions was moved to Aspose.PDF.Text.TextReplaceOptions
  • Class Aspose.PDF.Text.TextOptions.TextReplaceOptions.ReplaceAdjustment was moved to Aspose.PDF.Text.TextReplaceOptions.ReplaceAdjustment
  • Class Aspose.PDF.Text.TextOptions.TextReplaceOptions.Scope was moved to Aspose.PDF.Text.TextReplaceOptions.Scope
  • Class Aspose.PDF.Text.TextOptions.TextSearchOptions was moved to Aspose.PDF.Text.TextSearchOptions