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Aspose.PDF for .NET 16.10.0

Improvements and Changes

PDFNEWNET-39332Set TOC elements line dash style as NoneNew Feature
PDFNEWNET-36318Remove the XFA data structure from dynamic PDF FormsNew Feature
PDFNEWNET-33623Convert XML/XSL to PDF - Formatting issueNew Feature
PDFNEWNET-37507Alternative of WrapLines in new GeneratorEnhancement
PDFNEWNET-36022How to calculate text index from TextFragment itemEnhancement
PDFNEWNET-36105XFA to AcroForm conversionException
PDFNEWNET-35174SVG to PDF - Exception when loading SVG from Stream objectException
PDFNET-41128IndexOutOfRangeException during PDF/A-1a conversionException
PDFNEWNET-40327API throws intermittently NullReferenceException in multiprocessing
of PDF to HTML conversion
PDFNEWNET-38187XPS to PDF: conversion throws Argument exceptionException
PDFNEWNET-35993Dynamic XFA form conversion to Static/Standard throws NotImplementedExceptionException
PDFNEWNET-40336PDF to PDFA1a: conversion works fine with 10.9.0 but 11.3.0Bug
PDFNET-41286PDF to HTML: text rendering incorrectlyBug
PDFNEWNET-36810PDF to TEX - conversion takes too much timeBug
PDFNEWNET-39524PDF to PDF/A_2a (A_2b) - Resultant file is not compliantBug
PDFNEWNET-38878PDF to PNG - resultant image is not correctBug
PDFNET-41243HTML to PDF - Conversion process hangsBug
PDFNET-41058Invisible text on the right from the redactArea becomes visibleBug
PDFNEWNET-39945PDF to PDF/A - Resultant file is not PDF/A_1b compliantBug
PDFNEWNET-39289PDF to JPEG - Some symbols look like different in resultant fileBug
PDFNEWNET-37787PDF to TIFF - Data from one of the layers is missingBug
PDFNEWNET-36486HTML to PDF - Formatting issues when converting web page to PDFBug
PDFNEWNET-36422PCL to PDF - Resultant file having special control charactersBug
PDFNEWNET-35935SVG to PDF - resultant document does not retain vector graphicsBug
PDFNEWNET-35502Problem converting static XFA document to standard PDFBug
PDFNEWNET-35254PDF to HTML - hyperlinks are removedBug
PDFNEWNET-35015PDF to HTML :- Formatting issuesBug
PDFNET-41093PDF to HTML - Text and graphics are missing from resultant fileBug
PDFNEWNET-40900PDF to HTML: incorrect text renderingBug
PDFNEWNET-40892PDF to HTML: underline render as strike through lineBug
PDFNEWNET-40318Html to PDF: text overlaps in resultant PDFBug
PDFNEWNET-40220PDF to PDFA1b: transparent image background changes to blackBug
PDFNEWNET-38821PDF to HTML with embedded resoureces throws OutOfMemory exceptionBug
PDFNEWNET-37843PDF to HTML: equations text is jumbled in output HTML pages.Bug
PDFNEWNET-37331MHT to PDF: formatting in output PDF file is incorrectBug
PDFNEWNET-36531PCL to PDF: empty file is being generatedBug
PDFNET-41410Stream is disposed after document loadingBug
PDFNET-41369Table header cell background color issue with Colspan and TableBroken propertyBug
PDFNET-41206TextFragmentAbsorber replaces blue color with redBug
PDFNET-41166CheckBoxField border issueBug
PDFNET-41106AutoFittoContent property of ColumnAdjustment of Table issueBug
PDFNET-41080PDF to PDFA: incorrect PDF orientationBug
PDFNEWNET-39055PDF to EPUB: Output is not working on a mobile devicesBug
PDFNET-41522HtmlFragment render same HTML text differently in a PDF documentBug