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Aspose.PDF for .NET 17.11

Improvements and Changes

PDFNET-42750Add Tooltip to Text inside PDF fileNew Feature
PDFNET-38709VerticalAlignment for FloatingBox contentsNew Feature
PDFNET-38580VerticalAlignmentType support Row objectNew Feature
PDFNET-43056Add feature to hide the page numbers in table of contents treeNew Feature
PDFNET-41118Searchable PDF issueEnhancement
PDFNET-43366NullReferenceException occurred on getting form fieldsException
PDFNET-43414When add an image from embedded resource in WPF,
then on Save document, GDI+ exception occurs
PDFNET-43486Null pointer exception occurs when calling flattenException
PDFNET-35792Storing PDF document into stream is too slow in batch operationBug
PDFNET-35851Text Segments from Textfragment Absorbed not in Correct PositionBug
PDFNET-37346PDF to PNG: text spacing is issue in resultant imageBug
PDFNET-38237PDF to TIFF - Conversion is taking too much timeBug
PDFNET-38691PDF to TIFF - Character spacing issue in resultant file Bug
PDFNET-38886Extracted Signature Images are in Black and White Bug
PDFNET-39562PDF to PNG: incorrect rendering of text Bug
PDFNET-39671PDF to PDF/A - huge memory consumption during conversionBug
PDFNET-40734PDF to TIFF - Text is garbled in resultant fileBug
PDFNET-40853Some text from string array is not redactingBug
PDFNET-41659Replacing Text Causes Text to Go OffscreenBug
PDFNET-41810PDF to PDF/A_1b - Text is garbled in resultant fileBug
PDFNET-42482Incorrect positioning of characters when saving PDF as HTMLBug
PDFNET-42770Incorect TextStamp renderingBug
PDFNET-42785When PDF converted to PDF_A_1B, a blue color on image is differentBug
PDFNET-42897PDF to DOCX - Content is missing in the resultant fileBug
PDFNET-42971Incorrect character position when saving as HTMLBug
PDFNET-43107Images are not showing when HTML is added through HtmlFragmentBug
PDFNET-43216PDF to TIFF - API is taking more time than expectedBug
PDFNET-43256All spaces are removed from the text and all lines ends with “ti”Bug
PDFNET-43620The accented text has been clipped if placed in the first line of TextFragment textBug
PDFNET-43340Not possible to create radio buttonsBug
PDFNET-43419When adding a footnote to the table cell, it appears two timesBug
PDFNET-43459Text is missing when saving PDF as HTMLBug
PDFNET-43511Text Justification as FullJustify is not working in FloatingBoxBug

Public API changes in Aspose.PDF for .NET 17.11

Added APIs:

Method Aspose.PDF.Annotations.Annotation.ToImage(System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat) Class Aspose.PDF.Annotations.HideAction Constructor Aspose.PDF.Annotations.HideAction(Aspose.PDF.Annotations.Annotation) Constructor Aspose.PDF.Annotations.HideAction(Aspose.PDF.Annotations.Annotation,System.Boolean) Constructor Aspose.PDF.Annotations.HideAction(System.String) Constructor Aspose.PDF.Annotations.HideAction(System.String,System.Boolean) Constructor Aspose.PDF.Annotations.HideAction(Aspose.PDF.Annotations.Annotation[]) Constructor Aspose.PDF.Annotations.HideAction(Aspose.PDF.Annotations.Annotation[],System.Boolean) Constructor Aspose.PDF.Annotations.HideAction(System.String[]) Constructor Aspose.PDF.Annotations.HideAction(System.String[],System.Boolean) Property Aspose.PDF.Annotations.HideAction.IsHidden Property Aspose.PDF.BaseParagraph.VerticalAlignment Method Aspose.PDF.Forms.SignatureField.ExtractImage(System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat) Constructor Aspose.PDF.Text.TextFormattingOptions Enumeration member Aspose.PDF.Text.TextFormattingOptions.WordWrapMode.Undefined Property Aspose.PDF.Text.TextFragment.VerticalAlignment Property Aspose.PDF.TocInfo.IsShowPageNumbers