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Aspose.PDF for .NET 17.6

Improvements and Changes

PDFNET-38835Rotate Text in Table CellNew Feature
PDFNET-42550NullReferenceException in Epub renderingBug
PDFNET-42759Text fragment is not replaced properlyBug
PDFNET-42688Exception thrown during validationBug
PDFNET-42689The program execution stuck during validationBug
PDFNET-42204PDF to PDFA Conversion Generating output with incorrect formattingBug
PDFNET-42205PDF to PDFA Conversion Generating output with incorrect formattingBug
PDFNET-42182PDF to PDFA Conversion Generating output with incorrect formattingBug
PDFNET-42436When PDF is converted to PPTX, the text in table is moved verticallyBug
PDFNET-42435When PDF is converted to PPTX, a text is moved downBug
PDFNET-42581PDF to PDFA Conversion Generating output with incorrect formattingBug
PDFNET-41272PDF/A-1 conversion creates invalid XRef tableBug
PDFNET-41333Aspose.PDF.Text.CharInfo LLX and URX have same valuesBug
PDFNET-36735PDF to DOC/DOCX: text is concatenatedBug
PDFNET-36734PDF to DOC/DOCX: text is missingBug
PDFNET-42099PDF to PPTX: TOC missing in resultant PPTXBug
PDFNET-42100PDF to PPTX: text alignment changed in resultant PPTXBug
PDFNET-42276PDF to PPTX: Text breaks into two lineBug
PDFNET-42277PDF to PPTX: highlighted text is not rendering correctlyBug

Public API Changes

Added API’s

Class Aspose.PDF.PdfAOptionClasses.ToUnicodeProcessingRules Constructor Aspose.PDF.PdfAOptionClasses.ToUnicodeProcessingRules() Constructor Aspose.PDF.PdfAOptionClasses.ToUnicodeProcessingRules(System.Boolean) Constructor Aspose.PDF.PdfAOptionClasses.ToUnicodeProcessingRules(System.Boolean,System.Boolean) Property Aspose.PDF.PdfAOptionClasses.ToUnicodeProcessingRules.RemoveSpacesFromCMapNames Property Aspose.PDF.PdfAOptionClasses.ToUnicodeProcessingRules.MapNonLinkedSymbolsOnSpace Property Aspose.PDF.PdfFormatConversionOptions.UnicodeProcessingRules