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Aspose.PDF for .NET 17.7

Improvements and Changes

PDFNET-42777Text with rotation angle 90 gets reversed in cell when we change
column width of table according to text height
PDFNET-42700PDF to PDFA - Output is unreadableBug
PDFNET-42543Incorrect characters when saving to image or HTMLBug
PDFNET-42873Table.GetHeight method keeps running while generating a new PDFBug
PDFNET-42583Flatten Calculated Fields lost their formattingBug
PDFNET-42678Flatten Calculated Fields displays 0Bug
PDFNET-42867Compliance problems with PDF/A_3U after conversion, “CIDset” errorBug
PDFNET-42868Compliance problems with PDF/A_3U after conversion, “CIDset” and
“Text cannot be mapped to Unicode”
PDFNET-36196System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException - when trying to work with text
in the document by TextFragmentAbsorber or TextAbsorber
PDFNET-38101Hindi text replacement results into incorrect textBug
PDFNET-38363TIFF to PDF - Some Section are dropped in resultant PDFBug
PDFNET-38581Image Alignment is not being honoredBug
PDFNET-38955HorizontalAlignment for Image is not having any effectBug
PDFNET-42679Text stamp is not aligned properlyBug
PDFNET-39020Text replacement does not keep text style formattingBug
PDFNET-38881Underline Property of TextFragment not taking on color of TextBug
PDFNET-40927PDF to TIFF: conversion taking long timeBug
PDFNET-37675PDF to TIFF loses fontsBug
PDFNET-38355To get table height of an table in a existing PDFBug
PDFNET-42178PDF to PPTX - Side notes are missingBug
PDFNET-42406PDF to PPTX: words shifted to a new lineBug
PDFNET-42407PDF to PPTX - Tabular data alignment issuesBug
PDFNET-42649After flattenAllFields() method is used, an output file converts 60%
to 0.6%

Public API Changes

Added API’s

Class Aspose.PDF.PdfAOptionClasses.FontEmbeddingOptions

  • Constructor Aspose.PDF.PdfAOptionClasses.FontEmbeddingOptions
  • Property Aspose.PDF.PdfAOptionClasses.FontEmbeddingOptions.UseDefaultSubstitution
  • Property Aspose.PDF.PdfFormatConversionOptions.FontEmbeddingOptions