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Aspose.PDF for .NET 17.8

Improvements and Changes

PDFNET-42309NullReferenceException on getting Document.pagei.Artifacts collectionException
PDFNET-42714XPS to PDF Conversion throws missing root element exceptionException
PDFNET-42969Argument out of range exception when saving PDF as HTMLException
PDFNET-42918Aspose.PDF generates larger files than Aspose.PDF.GeneratorBug
PDFNET-42663Method access error occurs on converting an XPS to PDFBug
PDFNET-42675Incorrect color of circles when converting an XPS to PDFBug
PDFNET-42885PDF to PPTX - Text is missing in resultant fileBug
PDFNET-40901PDF to PNG conversion adds extra white spaceBug
PDFNET-42549Failed PDF/A-1b validation after conversionBug
PDFNET-42544After saving attachments, collection is emptyBug
PDFNET-42886DOCX to PDFA different behavior between aspose and adobe reader PRO - IncidentBug
PDFNET-42729Aspose.PDF generated slides within PowerPoint breaks fonts and formattingBug
PDFNET-41389PDF to PDF/A-2a - Resultant file is not compliantBug
PDFNET-41386PDF to PDF/A-2a - Resultant file is not compliantBug
PDFNET-41367PDF to PDF/A - Resultant file is not compliantBug
PDFNET-39454PDF to HTML: characters are being replaced with boxesBug
PDFNET-42198PDF to DOC: Text trimmed from topBug
PDFNET-42349DropDown value is cropped when form is flattenBug
PDFNET-42350DropDown value is rendered incorrectlyBug
PDFNET-43141Text replacement leads to column breaking (left shift of the word in second column)Bug
PDFNET-41170HTML to PDF - Field width is not preservedBug
PDFNET-41628PDF to TIFF: black blocks in resultant TIFF imageBug
PDFNET-41683PDF to JPEG - Double space between lettersBug
PDFNET-41845PDF to BMP - Text appears overlapped in resultant imageBug
PDFNET-42582Text overlapping occurred when converting PDF to PNGBug

Added APIs:

Class Aspose.PDF.DocumentFactory

Constructor Aspose.PDF.DocumentFactory Method Aspose.PDF.DocumentFactory.CreateDocument(System.IO.Stream,Aspose.PDF.LoadOptions)

Methods and Properties

Method Aspose.PDF.EmbeddedFileCollection.Add(System.String,Aspose.PDF.FileSpecification) Method Aspose.PDF.EmbeddedFileCollection.DeleteByKey(System.String) Method Aspose.PDF.Image.GetMimeType(System.Drawing.Image) Property Aspose.PDF.RenderingOptions.ScaleImagesToFitPageWidth Property Aspose.PDF.Collection.DefaultEntry