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Aspose.PDF for .NET 18.8
This page contains release notes for Aspose.PDF for .NET 18.8
Improvements and Changes
Key | Summary | Category |
PDFNET-45057 | Add Replace image feature in ImagePlacementAbsorber | New Feature |
PDFNET-44639 | PDF/UA: Validate Headings | New Feature |
PDFNET-44640 | PDF/UA: Validate Tables | New Feature |
PDFNET-44641 | PDF/UA: Validate Lists | New Feature |
PDFNET-44642 | PDF/UA: Validate Notes and References | New Feature |
PDFNET-45069 | PDF/UA: Writing correct file name attribute to validation log file | New Feature |
PDFNET-44955 | PDF/UA: Add Warning and Manual check levels to validation log | New Feature |
PDFNET-44462 | Track word wrapping / line breaking in scenarios of editing documents. | Enhancement |
PDFNET-44823 | PDF to PPTX - the low quality of image | Enhancement |
PDFNET-42857 | PDF to PPTX - Too many text boxes in resultant file | Bug |
PDFNET-45110 | Text fragments are not matched by the regex. | Bug |
PDFNET-43922 | Text overlaps after replace operation and doubles | Bug |
PDFNET-40692 | Text overlaps after replace operation | Bug |
PDFNET-44936 | When saving document as image first page is filled with black color | Bug |
PDFNET-44756 | Error and missing image in PDF after inserting BW image | Bug |
PDFNET-44029 | JPEG to PDF: Inserted image is invisible | Bug |
PDFNET-44177 | PDF to JPG - Logo is missing | Bug |
PDFNET-45061 | PDF to TIFF - incorrect output | Bug |
PDFNET-42590 | SVG images are not sizing properly | Bug |
PDFNET-44834 | PDF to TIFF - NullReferenceException | Bug |
PDFNET-44877 | When PDF is saved as TIF, a NullReferenceException occurs | Bug |
PDFNET-42748 | SVG image is not visible when adding in table | Bug |
PDFNET-44983 | Problem rendering Chinese text | Bug |
PDFNET-44986 | After conversion PDF-to-PDFA the output is not compliant | Bug |
PDFNET-44976 | Some items are missing in TOC. | Bug |
PDFNET-39285 | PDF to PDF/A_2b - Resultant file is not complaint | Bug |
PDFNET-39284 | PDF to PDF/A_1b - Resultant file is not complaint | Bug |
PDFNET-42527 | PDF to PDFA Conversion process hangs up | Bug |
PDFNET-42528 | PDF to PDFA Conversion process hangs up | Bug |
PDFNET-43336 | NullReferenceException occurs when trying to add attachment to a pdf file that does not contain attachments | Bug |
PDFNET-44611 | All pages have null value. | Bug |
PDFNET-44941 | The image isn’t shown while loading PDF from HTML file. | Bug |
PDFNET-41857 | PDF to PDF/A - Resultant file is not compliant | Bug |
PDFNET-44255 | Text strikeout works incorrect in some scenarios of use multiline text fragments. | Bug |
PDFNET-37869 | TextFragmentAbsrober throws exception:Index and length must refer to a location within the string | Bug |
Public API changes in Aspose.PDF for .NET 18.8
FontSubsetStrategy enumeration has been moved under Aspose.Pdf namespace.
Added APIs:
Method Aspose.Pdf.ImagePlacement.Replace(System.IO.Stream)
Property Aspose.Pdf.PptxSaveOptions.RecognizeTextColumns
Method Aspose.Pdf.XImage.ToStream