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Aspose.PDF for .NET 20.4

Improvements and Changes

PDFNET-47847Add the ability to use an image file stream as the background of a table cellEnhancement
PDFNET-41517TextFragment Rectangle must be rotated 90° when used as TextAbsorber RectangleBug
PDFNET-43320PDF to DOCX - Resultant file cannot be opened in Microsoft Words OnlineBug
PDFNET-45324ArgumentOutOfRangeException with TextFragmentAbsorberBug
PDFNET-45718System.IndexOutOfRangeException Exception occurred while extracting textBug
PDFNET-46550PDF to PDF/A - Field not found error occursBug
PDFNET-47305PDF to PPTX, the fonts overlap and the conversion effect is not very goodBug
PDFNET-47462Characters are missing when saving PDF into HTMLBug
PDFNET-47694Vertical lines instead of spaces when viewing output HTML in IEBug
PDFNET-47695Boxes instead of spaces when copying text from a browserBug
PDFNET-47712Discrepancies in the output PDFBug
PDFNET-47713Incorrect page ordering in the output fileBug
PDFNET-47714Text missing and duplication in the output file.Bug
PDFNET-47743The text is hidden when saving PDF as HTMLBug
PDFNET-47845System.NullReferenceException while FlatteningBug
PDFNET-46414HTML to PDF - Table is missing in output PDFBug
PDFNET-47878Exception on converting HTML to PDFBug
PDFNET-44330NullReference exception on flattening fieldsBug

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

Added APIs

  • Property Aspose.Pdf.Cell.BackgroundImage

Removed APIs

  • Class Aspose.Pdf.LatexLoadOptions is renamed to Aspose.Pdf.TeXLoadOptions (Aspose.Pdf.LatexLoadOptions is declared obsolete)
  • Class Aspose.Pdf.LaTeXSaveOptions is renamed to Aspose.Pdf.TeXSaveOptions (Aspose.Pdf.LaTeXSaveOptions is declared obsolete)
  • Class Aspose.Pdf.LatexFragment    is renamed to Aspose.Pdf.TeXFragment (Aspose.Pdf.LatexFragment is declared obsolete)