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Aspose.PDF for .NET 21.4

Improvements and Changes

PDFNET-49616Add API for merging imagesFeature
PDFNET-49596HTML to PDF - Content is being repeatedBug
PDFNET-49438Aspose.PDF 21.2 Aspose.Pdf.GroupProcessor.IPdfTypeExtractor - errors while extracting a text from PDF if venture license is appliedBug
PDFNET-49678API is throwing exception on adding HtmlFragment in header/footer with customer text stateBug
PDFNET-49317TextBuilder instance corrupts text elementsBug
PDFNET-39602HTML to PDF - Exception during conversionBug
PDFNET-39762HTML to PDF - Table with many columns is being truncatedBug
PDFNET-42440PDF to HTML - icon link is missingBug
PDFNET-48723Inconsistent behavior with files over 2GBBug
PDFNET-49244PDF to XLSX - result is different than our online demoBug
PDFNET-40921Redaction annotation not working as expectedBug
PDFNET-48627Exception thrown when rendering from PDF with images in LinuxBug
PDFNET-41983Exception when optimizing the PDF fileBug
PDFNET-49394System.NullReferenceException occurs while opening and saving the documentBug
PDFNET-39658HTML to PDF - Exception during conversionBug
PDFNET-49496API is not extracting font information correctlyBug
PDFNET-49280NullReference Exception when trying to get Embedded file parameters of the specific fileBug
PDFNET-48961Merge PDF files - System.NullReferenceException occursBug
PDFNET-49050HTML to PDF - Checkbox and Captions do not stay on same page is content length is longBug
PDFNET-49414PDF to Excel - Incorrect alignment of one cellBug
PDFNET-49484PDF to DOCX - some letters are missing in output fileBug
PDFNET-49200Redaction annotation has borders (unwanted)Bug
PDFNET-48414PDF to PDFA - text becomes cryptic in output PDFA documentBug
PDFNET-47624Background color is not applied properly when WordWrap is trueBug
PDFNET-43331Invalid dictionary error on merging two PDF documentsBug
PDFNET-39272HTML to PDF - Exception during conversionBug

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

Added APIs

  • Type Aspose.Pdf.Facades.ImageMergeMode
  • Field Aspose.Pdf.Facades.ImageMergeMode.Vertical
  • Field Aspose.Pdf.Facades.ImageMergeMode.Horizontal
  • Field Aspose.Pdf.Facades.ImageMergeMode.Center
  • Method Aspose.Pdf.Facades.PdfConverter.MergeImages(System.Collections.Generic.List{System.IO.Stream},System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat,Aspose.Pdf.Facades.ImageMergeMode,System.Nullable{System.Int32},System.Nullable{System.Int32})
  • Method Aspose.Pdf.Facades.PdfConverter.MergeImagesAsTiff(System.Collections.Generic.List{System.IO.Stream})