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Aspose.PDF for .NET 21.6

Improvements and Changes

PDFNET-49961Hiding image using ImagePlacementAbsorber from the documentFeature
PDFNET-39127Improve process to determine Page color informationEnhancement
PDFNET-45299Improve getting page color typeEnhancement
PDFNET-49938PDF to XLSX - Extra column is being addedBug
PDFNET-48955Aspose.Pdf 20.10: Cannot load XpsBug
PDFNET-41011API detects incorrect page colorBug
PDFNET-49742Corrupted file when converting PDF to XLSXBug
PDFNET-49563Attaching signed file to PDF/A-2A removes signature from the attachment.Bug
PDFNET-48748StackOverflowException on get color type of pageBug
PDFNET-43306PDF to JPEG - the null pointer error occurredBug
PDFNET-49682Image is absent when converted dynamic XFA to Standard AcroFormsBug
PDFNET-41524ColorType of pages is not correctBug
PDFNET-49912Regex does not find letters as expectedBug
PDFNET-49966New lic file does not work with v16.12Bug
PDFNET-49398Regex does not find as expectedBug
PDFNET-46878Page color not recognizedBug
PDFNET-36647Unable to identify correct Black and white PDF pagesBug
PDFNET-49798A part of XMP-metadata elements is missingBug
PDFNET-41463Null reference error while saving the documentBug
PDFNET-49600Lines other than the first are not visible in the multiline WatermarkArtifact starting 20Bug
PDFNET-49399Extracting text from tables in PDF: Text inside one-column rows of the multi-column table not extracted properlyBug
PDFNET-49279Aspose.Pdf 21.1: Conversion to xlsx produces broken file and incorrect layoutBug
PDFNET-49203HTML to PDF conversion: Table is being cut outBug
PDFNET-48759Infinite execution while getting ColorTypeBug
PDFNET-49043Aspose.Pdf 20.10: Cannot load XpsBug
PDFNET-49813page.getAnnotations() throws NullPointerExceptionBug
PDFNET-49882ArgumentException: An attempt to create annotation using invalid dictionaryBug

Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes

Added APIs

  • Property Aspose.Pdf.ImagePlacement.Operator
  • Method Aspose.Pdf.ImagePlacement.Hide
  • Method Aspose.Pdf.XImage.DetectColorType(System.Drawing.Bitmap)

Removed APIs