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Aspose.PDF for .NET 7.0.0 Release Notes
This page contains release notes for Aspose.PDF for .NET 7.0.0
We are pleased to share a new version of Aspose.PDF for .NET with following improvements.
New Features
- PDFNEWNET-21810 - Allow to get position of an image in the PDF file
- PDFNEWNET-33274 - Get an Image from a specific stamp
- PDFNEWNET-33281 - Change the location of a stamp by changing the values in StampInfo
- PDFNEWNET-33374 - Converting images in PDF to JPEG makes resulting PDF bigger
- PDFNEWNET-33461 - PDF Multiline Text Alignment In Stamps
- PDFNEWNET-33473 - Improve memory usage strategy detection logic
- PDFNEWNET-33515 - Improve ExponentialFunction performance
- PDFNEWNET-33359 - PdfConverter fails with “cross reference table not found”
- PDFNEWNET-33389 - Pdf to tiff conversion in a thread causes arithmetic overflow exception
- PDFNEWNET-33434 - Extract Text throws System.ArgumentOutOfRangeExceptions
- PDFNEWNET-33439 - Font Not Found exception during XML to PDF conversion
- PDFNEWNET-33510 - Openning a PDF document fails: Cross reference table or cross refference stream not found
- PDFNEWNET-33519 - Exception: Convert PDF to JPG
- PDFNEWNET-33458 - Memory Leak / Consuption Issue using PdfFileEditor.Insert
- PDFNEWNET-33525 - Invalid index: index should be in the range 1..n where n equals to the pages count. (ON Document.Dispose)
- PDFNEWNET-33549 - Thorwing exception on save method
- PDFNEWNET-33579 - Concatenation of pdf documents fails (Null Reference Exception)
- PDFNEWNET-33591 - word to pdf: EmbedFullFonts error (Input string was not in a correct format)
- PDFNEWNET-33592 - Exception is occurring while converting PDF file into PDF-A format
- PDFNEWNET-33655 - OutOfMemory on pdf merge
- PDFNEWNET-33376 - Exception occurs while loading PDF document
- PDFNEWNET-30393 - Text is not added using barcode font
- PDFNEWNET-31275 - Annotation position over TIFF is different as compare to source PDF
- PDFNEWNET-31890 - Images not visible in Form
- PDFNEWNET-33067 - Font issue using FillField on TextBoxField with accent
- PDFNEWNET-33110 - PdfFileStamp and output file size problem
- PDFNEWNET-33206 - Multiple Checkbox count as single Checkbox
- PDFNEWNET-33207 - Cannot extract PDF page as Image when PDF page as multiple layers of Picture embedded
- PDFNEWNET-33266 - PDF to TIF, Contents merging problem
- PDFNEWNET-33276 - Greek symbols not visible in resultant PDF
- PDFNEWNET-33297 - Application Hangs on ImportXML using threading
- PDFNEWNET-33301 - Word to pdf and pdf stamping font problems
- PDFNEWNET-33322 - PDF rendering to TIFF - images from the PDF are distorted and not correct rendered
- PDFNEWNET-33345 - Unable to delete pdf after using it as an input file for PdfFileInfo - 6.7.0
- PDFNEWNET-33394 - PDF Images Extract and Place in new document
- PDFNEWNET-33421 - The problem with Japanese characters in bookmarks
- PDFNEWNET-33425 - Problems Updating Fields with Aspose.PDF.Facades.Form
- PDFNEWNET-33432 - Red and Blue Color in the HTML are not shown in the generated PDF
- PDFNEWNET-33435 - PDF file size increases when adding page to empty document.
- PDFNEWNET-33449 - Get Resolution of embedded Image in a PDF file
- PDFNEWNET-33454 - Convert HTML to PDF, IsHtmlTagSupported property issue
- PDFNEWNET-33455 - DeleteStamp method is not working properly
- PDFNEWNET-33465 - HTML css formatting lost after upgrading to version
- PDFNEWNET-33470 - Modifying Tab ordre of form fields inside PDF document
- PDFNEWNET-33479 - when text is removed from PDF, the resulting PDF is distorted.
- PDFNEWNET-33485 - Convert HTML to PDF, table and CSS issue
- PDFNEWNET-33490 - PDF to PNG conversion issue
- PDFNEWNET-33496 - Convert HTML to PDF missing text from right side
- PDFNEWNET-33499 - Problem wile concatenating PDF documents
- PDFNEWNET-33500 - Resolution of image being returned is not correct, once PDF is resized.
- PDFNEWNET-33501 - PdfPageStamp is not working properly
- PDFNEWNET-33503 - FillField with large text problem
- PDFNEWNET-33504 - Convert HTML to PDF layout issues
- PDFNEWNET-33514 - PDF size is large after splitting
- PDFNEWNET-33520 - Margins are not properly rendered when printing with PdfViewer
- PDFNEWNET-33521 - PDF field rendering issues
- PDFNEWNET-33522 - Black rectangles are appearing in PDF when generated from HTML file
- PDFNEWNET-33529 - Convert HTML to PDF - Text layout issue
- PDFNEWNET-33536 - Convert HTML to PDF - missing images
- PDFNEWNET-33538 - Unable to load PDF document
- PDFNEWNET-33566 - Text is not appearing in proper sequence
- PDFNEWNET-33567 - Stamp is not being deleted from PDF document
- PDFNEWNET-33580 - There are 2 checkbox fields but form.FieldNames only returns 1 field
- PDFNEWNET-33622 - Page Stamp problem - output corrupt
- PDFNEWNET-33630 - PDF to Tiff conversion producing Empty Tiffs
- PDFNEWNET-33393 - GetNextImage not exporting all page elements
- PDFNEWNET-33456 - Intellisense needs to be correct
- PDFNEWNET-33428 - How to print text annotations
- PDFNEWNET-33548 - Add text visible vertically alligned
- PDFNEWNET-33594 - PDF to HTML conversion issue
- PDFNEWNET-33597 - Form filling issue with radiobutton and checkbox
- PDFNEWNET-33613 - Merge PDF documents